Video Shows ‘Prosperity’ Preachers Laying Hands on Trump


musterion has reported a post.

Derailing thread after being asked not to.

this is another report from musterion.

So it is ok for OP to derail to gossip about other member but it is not ok for anyone else?

my goodness.

BTW, he neg repped me too by saying "quiet"


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Looking at the Shadow Mountain Community Church website, they seem to teach the basics of Christianity:

The Convention wouldn't allow them to remain in the organization if they didn't. :AMR:

...And now we resume with the scheduled programming of "My church is better than your church!"

I wouldn't accuse me of that here. :chuckle: I'm just familiar with this sort of thing being that I'm somewhat S.B.C. affiliated myself.

Everybody seems to want to assign motives to me this weekend.

:think:... I guess I should consider the source in both cases.


this is another report from musterion.

So it is ok for OP to derail to gossip about other member but it is not ok for anyone else?

my goodness.

BTW, he neg repped me too by saying "quiet"

Just think of all the good that he could do if he channeled all of that anger and frustration in the right direction (towards fighting people and movements that are evil).


New member
The Convention wouldn't allow them to remain in the organization if they didn't. :AMR:

I wouldn't accuse me of that here. :chuckle: I'm just familiar with this sort of thing being that I'm somewhat S.B.C. affiliated myself.

Everybody seems to want to assign motives to me this weekend.

:think:... I guess I should consider the source in both cases.

You're a good man TomO! Don't let the nitpickers get you down!


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at the Shadow Mountain Community Church website, they seem to teach the basics of Christianity:

The Convention wouldn't allow them to remain in the organization if they didn't.

So you're acknowledging that of all of the politically correct churches in America that approve of things that God abhors, this particular church doesn't appear to be one of them?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...And now we resume with the scheduled programming of "My church is better than your church!"

I wouldn't accuse me of that here. I'm just familiar with this sort of thing being that I'm somewhat S.B.C. affiliated myself.

Everybody seems to want to assign motives to me this weekend.

.. I guess I should consider the source in both cases.

No accusations towards you Tom. In fact I'm surprised that you're here, as there is no Libertarian theme for you to defend in this thread.

Back to the OP and specifically Donald Trump: I've said elsewhere that a Ted Cruz-Donald Trump ticket could be a winner. Cruz would get the social conservative vote, Trump would get the conservative/soft core libertarian vote.



Jesus and his followers laid hands on many different sorts of people who needed an encounter with God's mercy. And the rich were often the subject of Jesus's

But obviously, capitalism is responsible for those who are inordinately wealthy.

Jesus said you cannot worship God and mammon. And that the road to enlightenment is like a camel going through a needle's eye.

"Give to everyone who begs of you" and saying the rich should give all away are pretty hard sayings for even the most faithful of Christians.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Just think of all the good that he [musterion] could do if he channeled all of that anger and frustration in the right direction (towards fighting people and movements that are evil).

Your battles are against flesh and blood, right?

Let me put it this way: While you good Christians are incessantly arguing over whose theology is correct when it comes to eternal salvation, some of us Christians (but then I'm probably not a Christian in your mind as I don't attend your church) are trying to save the flesh and blood of innocent children being indoctrinated by the LGBTQueer movement and unborn babies so that another 58 million won't be murdered in the womb.

(The word "homosexual" was not used in the above paragraph).


One way or the other, Trump will betray you before this is all over.

My post was addressed to TomO. Thanks for your response though, I'll file it where I put the rest of your posts.





Still waiting for a response to this....

That must have been a really long sleepless night waiting for something that isn't going to happen.

Now if you would find an independent source (like a Youtube video) other than Harold and Kumar's biased article, I'm all eyes.

Speaking of yes or no questions:

If someone openly defends something that God abhors, can that person be a true follower of Christ?

Yes or no.


New member
Hall of Fame
That must have been a really long sleepless night waiting for something that isn't going to happen.

Now if you would find an independent source (like a Youtube video) other than Harold and Kumar's biased article, I'm all eyes.

Speaking of yes or no questions:

If someone openly defends something that God abhors, can that person be a true follower of Christ?

Yes or no.

Ill take your continued lack of response to my simple question of 'do you believe that anyone who speaks against Trump is doomed also" as Paula White states, as a yes. I can think of no good reason that you would continue to refuse to answer that simple question.

Its pretty clear that Trump who self admits hes never received forgiveness for sin, and wont name his favorite bible verse is not a christian.

Its pretty clear also that Paula White is misusing scripture, when she prays about a mantle on Trump, and states that anyone who speaks against Him, is doomed, since shes equating him to being a prophet of God, (since that is what those verses refer to) when he most certainly is not.

Well he might be, for her, since her god appears to be money.



Since the name Russell Moore has come up in this thread quite frequently, I thought I'd give the readers an opportunity to get to know him better.

Southern Baptists Bail on Kentucky Clerk, Kim Davis

Sept. 9, 2015

A fish rots from the head, down – The ancient Turkish people, as quoted in James Porter’s Observation on the Religion, Law, Government and Manners of the Turks, 1768.

A great number of Christians are supporting Kim Davis for obeying her conscience and honoring her oath of office by upholding the laws of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Both Southern Baptist presidential primary candidates, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, were outside the jail to greet Davis upon her release. Conservative Christian pundits like Focal Point’s Brian Fischer and the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins have defended Davis for doing her job – submitting to the Kentucky State Constitution which bans gay marriage, in an Amendment that, like the Defense of Marriage Act, was not struck down by the Supreme Court’s judicial precedent in Obergfell v Hodges.

As united as conservative evangelicalism seems to be, however, Kim Davis is not without her detractors. The chief detractor among “conservative” (a word that is quickly losing meaning) Christians is the head ethicist of the Southern Baptist Convention, Russell Moore. Moore, who runs the 7 million dollar budget, Cooperative Program-funded Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, has made it very clear that Kim Davis should have resigned from her position rather than continue to faithfully execute the requirements of her office...

Moore, who has called Jesus an illegal alien in his push for amnesty, advocated “creation care” environmentalism, who has appointed a gay-affirming feminist who endorses gay and pornographic propaganda as an ERLC research fellow, and says we should attend gay wedding celebrations, for some reason thinks that law was been changed, annulled or created by the Supreme Court on June 26th. How someone as educated at Moore repeatedly presumes that there is a “law” somewhere that Davis has yet to obey or that the Supreme Court issues law is an embarrassing blight upon the SBC’s main smarty-pants on ethical and governmental issues. It seems that a review of this epic School House Rock video on how laws are created might be in order for Moore...

Read more:



New member
Hall of Fame
Your information is false, from his own mouth:

Same-Sex Marriage and the Future

Some people want a court of prophets who will take a surgeon’s scalpel to the Word of God. They want those who will say in light of what the Bible clearly calls immorality, “Has God really said?” Following the trajectory of every old liberalism of the past, they want to do with a Christian sexual ethic what the old liberals did with the virgin birth—claim that contemporary people just won’t have this, and if we want to rescue Christianity, this will have to go overboard. All the while they’ll tell us they’re doing it for the children (or for the Millennials).

This is infidelity to the gospel we’ve received. First of all, no one refusing to repent of sin—be it homosexuality or fornication or anything else—will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). This strategy leaves people in condemnation before the Judgment Seat of Christ, without reconciliation and without hope.

Second, it doesn’t even work. Look at the empty cathedrals of the Episcopal Church, the vacated pews of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and right down the line. Let me be clear. Even if embracing same-sex marriage—or any other endorsement of what the Bible calls sexual immorality—“worked” in church-building, we still wouldn’t do it. If we have to choose between Jesus and Millennials, we choose Jesus. But history shows us that those who want a different Jesus—the one who says, “Do whatever you want with your body, it’s okay by me”—don’t want Christianity at all.

But there will be those who want prophets who will say that the gospel doesn’t call for repentance, or at least not repentance from this sin. These prophets will apply a selective universalism that denies that judgment is coming, or that the blood of Christ is needed. But these prophets don’t speak for God. And, quite frankly, we have no one to blame but ourselves since, for too long, too many of us have tolerated among us those who have substituted a cheap and easy false gospel for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Too many have been called gospel preachers who preach decision without faith, regeneration without repentance, justification without lordship, deliverance by walking an aisle but without carrying a cross. That gospel is different from the one Jesus and his apostles delivered to us. That gospel doesn’t save.

So when these prophets emerge to tell people they can stay in their sins and still be saved, we must thunder back with the old gospel that calls all of us to repentance and to cross-bearing, the gospel that calls sin what it is in order to call grace what it is. J. Gresham Machen warned us that our Lord Jesus himself never attempted to preach the gospel to the righteous but only to sinners. Those who follow him must start by acknowledging themselves to be in need of mercy, to be in need of grace that can pardon and cleanse within.

You accuse me, and other people of supporting LGBT junk when you dont like something we say, youve already tried to do it to me in this thread.

And everyone here any length of time, knows its a total lie.