What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...having every person of color ushered forcibly out of his rallies and then instructing his "followers" to "beat them up".


i don't think that happened

except maybe in a parallel universe

do us all a favor - run outside and take a look at the sky and come back and tell us what color it is in your world

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
He could have fooled me with his mockery of the disabled, his slurs against women, and having every person of color ushered forcibly out of his rallies and then instructing his "followers" to "beat them up".

Three big fat lies.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Theophilus, "people are tired of "supporting the freeloaders ?" Well, let me tell you who the freeloaders are . The do nothing, obstructionist Republican members of congress in Washington, who collect salaries and get premium benefits without doing anything to help the poor, create jobs,
make college more affordable, provide Americans with the health care they need while voting to slash and eliminate essential government programs to help those in need etc .
The monstrously rich CEOs of the big corporations , who are obscenely wealthy and hoard money ,without doing anything to contribute to charities and who outsource millions of jobs so they can rake in the billions while the poor and middle class get poorer .
The millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families and mist have food stamps, etc aren't the freeloaders. They're the VICTIMS of the rich freeloaders .
And Trump will do nothing but help these miserable, greedy bastards get richer and richer while slashing essential government programs. Be careful what you ask for !
Cutting taxes on the wealthy does NOTHING to create jobs or increase general prosperity in America . Prosperity does NOT "trickle down". It never has and never will .

President Donald Trump will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will overturn Roe v Wade :thumb:

The Berean

Well-known member
Gotta say it didn't turn out like I was led to believe it would by the crooked pollsters. But I'm happy for you...:). I'm wondering how long it'll be before Trump starts upsetting this or that group of supporters. It can't be long before he abandons his wall idea, or backs off on withdrawing from NAFTA, or one of his other hare-brained schemes. I'm looking forward to 4 years of entertainment at your expense. haha:wave:
I suspect that will be the first thing he will fail on. The cost and logistics of building such a wall are insurmountable IMHO.


Well-known member
Gotta say it didn't turn out like I was led to believe it would by the crooked pollsters. But I'm happy for you...:). I'm wondering how long it'll be before Trump starts upsetting this or that group of supporters. It can't be long before he abandons his wall idea, or backs off on withdrawing from NAFTA, or one of his other hare-brained schemes. I'm looking forward to 4 years of entertainment at your expense. haha:wave:



Well-known member
Theophilus, "people are tired of "supporting the freeloaders ?" Well, let me tell you who the freeloaders are . The do nothing, obstructionist Republican members of congress in Washington, who collect salaries and get premium benefits without doing anything to help the poor, create jobs,
make college more affordable, provide Americans with the health care they need while voting to slash and eliminate essential government programs to help those in need etc .
The monstrously rich CEOs of the big corporations , who are obscenely wealthy and hoard money ,without doing anything to contribute to charities and who outsource millions of jobs so they can rake in the billions while the poor and middle class get poorer .
The millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families and mist have food stamps, etc aren't the freeloaders. They're the VICTIMS of the rich freeloaders .
And Trump will do nothing but help these miserable, greedy bastards get richer and richer while slashing essential government programs. Be careful what you ask for !
Cutting taxes on the wealthy does NOTHING to create jobs or increase general prosperity in America . Prosperity does NOT "trickle down". It never has and never will .

And ALL of those folks in your quote are going to have to answer our Holy God for their "stewardship" of all the things He gave them. That "pile" is not limited to Republicans.

Cash is little "k" king.

God bless America.

patrick jane

I am not arguing against your valid point. But why Trump? There were other Republicans. The Republican party did not do their job. They let Trump run all over them. And he was happy to oblige.
Perhaps we can blame all the Democrats that crossed party lines to vote for Trump in the primaries because they though for sure Hellary could at least beat Trump

The Berean

Well-known member
Thank you. It solidifies what I could not put my finger on. Unfortunately, "politically correct terms" were meant to ease things up a bit - by calling segments of society by respectful names and terms. What Trump has done is push us backwards to the point of "painful terror" - for those groups of people, once again, in exchange for those who "speak their minds" in ever so calculated terms and names intended to mock, denigrate, and "put them in their place". So the question is - how Christian is that for the "Christian conservative right"?
But "political correctness" has come to mean much more that at least from a liberal, leftist point of view. People are trying to stop other people from sharing their unpopular views. That is censorship. This is happening on many college campuses today. Here is an example.



Sabotaging "political correctness" is not what happened. He was given the right, by his own demand, to call people groups by unacceptable names, and invoke violence against them.

The Left became the 'PC Party'- it took over you all's entire perception of the Presidency. They wanted Hillary because she's all about feminism and white guilt, scared enough of being called 'bigoted' to not dare do anything about border control or voting identification. That's the America they wanted, and Trump ripped it down with all that he said. It's perfectly acceptable, just not to YOU.

Trump never called all women pigs or all Mexicans rapists, but you all called him an enemy of both. He doesn't take jive from people, and you called him a bigot for it- and you see what that got you? Looking like fools when the day comes that Trump points it out as President, that's what :rolleyes:

And as far as 'violence', why should anyone be concerned if people go cause trouble or sabotage a rally and get punched out for it?
The fact is that one shouldn't- it's healthy violence, a common sense consequence for doing such things.


New member
Hall of Fame
You do understand that Obama would not let the border agents do their job ?

Folks got tired of the murders and gang activity of Illegal Mexicans that joined gangs.

Muslims should stay in their countries in safe zones.Muslims don't want a safe place that affords them freedom. If they did they would not push for sharia law over the constitution.

The majority just voted Trump as the next president it is over.

I believe the majority of Americans are tired of folks walking across the border without going through the proper channels. They are ILLEGAL aliens,and they should not be allowed to stay in the U.S..

Liberals also dont care about vulnerable women and children being taken advantage of/trafficked here because they are illegal and made to be slaves..


New member
Hall of Fame
People voted for Trump because they are 1. Naive . 2. Ignorant. 3. Gullible.
4. Uninformed . 5. Misinformed . 6. Dumb . 7. Poorly educated . 8. Narrow-minded.
9. Intolerant. 10. Hypocritical . 11. Bigoted . 12. Rednecks . 11. Retarded .

Not all of the Trump voters are guilty of all of these things, but they are all factors in the
appalling victory of Donald J. Chump.

Idiot liberals calling them that, and looking down their noses and trying to force their beleifs on everyone else, is exactly why trump got elected.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you. It solidifies what I could not put my finger on. Unfortunately, "politically correct terms" were meant to ease things up a bit - by calling segments of society by respectful names and terms. What Trump has done is push us backwards to the point of "painful terror" - for those groups of people, once again, in exchange for those who "speak their minds" in ever so calculated terms and names intended to mock, denigrate, and "put them in their place". So the question is - how Christian is that for the "Christian conservative right"?


King cobra

One big reason Trump won is that 80% of evangelicals pleased Satan by supporting the murder of “fewer” innocent children...while claiming to be “pro-life Christians.”
And for what?
A wall? Didn't help Jericho.
Better healthcare? Only 1 out of the 10 lepers thanked Jesus for His healing.
More silver coins in their pockets? Oooops

Such a shame.