Who is Bob Enyart?

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Thank you for the Sola Scriptura link. I'll investigate as time permits.

10/4 on the girls driving you nuts... and yet somehow we are incomplete without them. I'm fond of saying God took much more than just a rib from Adam when He created Woman.


A thousand pardons for the spelling faux pas. A careful review of my posts will reveal this is not my long suit.



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Systematic theology has its limitations. It tends to be topical and deductive, rather than biblical (context, author, culture, grammar, etc.) and inductive. It is used by JWs as prooftexting that twists Scriptures.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Mateo
Sir Clete,

You have me at something of a disadvantage here in that I am unfamiliar with the term "sola scriptura" nor the doctrine it likely represents and so have no way of responding in any useful way.


Understanding Sola Scritpura isn't necessary to respond substantively.
Your abandonment of extra-biblical works is itself a theological position that is non-biblical. It is therefore self contradictory and therefore self defeating.
There is simply no Biblical support for such an idea. Your use of "a little leaven, leavens the whole lump" is a prime example of ripping scripture out of its context. Leaven, was used by Christ to represent sin, not doctrinal error. You submit that is hard to remove leaven from a loaf of bread, I submit that it is impossible, which was Christ's point (or one of them). But this does not hold with someone's publication teaching a false doctrine.
Take C.S. Lewis for example, he said in one of his books that "God can not be moved by love." And he meant exactly what he said. He truly believed that. Should we, because Mr. Lewis was blinded on this one issue by one of the biggest "isms" of all time (Calvinism), ignore the rest of his brilliance in Christian apologetics?
Further, wouldn't this web site qualify as "extra-biblical"?
And how about that article I pointed out about Sola Scriptura, isn't that extra-biblical as well? And yet you consent to reading it. Why?
I think perhaps that you have either overstated your position or you do not practice it as consistently as perhaps you would like. Either way, a reexamination of your position on this issue seems to be in order.

Resting in Him,


New member

We are in agreement on systematic theology. In my experience all isms tend to have a core revelation put forth by an individual which then spawns a body of doctrine which seeks to reconcile scripture and said revelation. For the product of this endeavor to make any sense one must first accept this core revelation. I liken it to a basic algerbraic equation. Take the equation X+8=10. If the value of X is indeed 2 then this equation is correct but if it is not then any and all problems resolved using X will be in error.

Using this same example one can work the problems backward to determine the doctrinal value of X for most any particular ism as well.

Mathmatically yours,



New member
Beloved Clete,

It would appear you have forgotten two of the foundational planks of Nonismatism. Perhaps a review of them would be of some assitance in your effort to understand my assertions. To wit:

"Nonismatism firmly rejects any and all isms, denominational or otherwise, while reserving the right to agree with certain tenets of any of them"

"Nonismatism fully embraces both humor and irony as evidenced by the fact its adherents are fully aware that Nonismatism is, at the end of the day, yet another ism."

I sincerely hope the passages offered above are of some assitance in your effort to understand both Nonismatism and my previous remarks. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.




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Is "nonismatism" Mateo's tongue-in-cheek philosophy, or are there churches, books, and websites with others who hold to this view?

There is an Institute for Unicorn Research (do google search) that worships the pink unicorn as the creator (rather than creation research institute worshipping God the Creator).
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I don't have a problem with nonismatism per se. In general it seems reasonable enough. I do, however, have a problem with your rejection of all books that aren't the Bible.
Is it the Bible that convinced you to get rid of your library, or was it something/someone else?
If it was the Bible, then show me.
If it wasn't then explain the inconsistancy.
If it wasn't the Bible and you can't explain, then PLEASE read "The Plot"! It will make your quest in nonismatism far more productive, I promise.

Resting in Him,


New member
GodRulz speculates:

"Is "nonismatism" Mateo's tongue-in-cheek philosophy, or are there churches, books, and websites with others who hold to this view?

There is an Institute for Unicorn Research (do google search) that worships the pink unicorn as the creator (rather than creation research institute worshipping God the Creator)."


You grow perilously close to the truth. The link below should clarify matters.




New member
Master Clete,

Re: My rejection of extrabiblical books and the biblicality of this approach... To begin with, I find no passage which directs us to study anything but the word of God. In addition Paul and others make it clear that should man or angel put forth any other doctrine than that which He gave they are to be rejected ( actually, accursed if I recall correctly). The scriptures also indicate that if we lack wisdom we should make our request to God and we are told that the Holy Spirit would lead us to all truth. It has also been my personal experience that avery single book I have read with the obvious exception of the Bible contained within it some extrabiblical notion. Any and all literary efforts on the part of man can only hope to fall short of God's effort.

That said I do seem to recall that Paul noted that to save a Jew he became as a Jew and in that spirit I supose it is inevitable that I read "The Plot". If you will tell me how I might acquire a copy I will honor your request to do so.

Yours in Him,



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Mateo
Master Clete,

Re: My rejection of extrabiblical books and the biblicality of this approach... To begin with, I find no passage which directs us to study anything but the word of God. In addition Paul and others make it clear that should man or angel put forth any other doctrine than that which He gave they are to be rejected ( actually, accursed if I recall correctly). The scriptures also indicate that if we lack wisdom we should make our request to God and we are told that the Holy Spirit would lead us to all truth. It has also been my personal experience that avery single book I have read with the obvious exception of the Bible contained within it some extrabiblical notion. Any and all literary efforts on the part of man can only hope to fall short of God's effort.

That said I do seem to recall that Paul noted that to save a Jew he became as a Jew and in that spirit I supose it is inevitable that I read "The Plot". If you will tell me how I might acquire a copy I will honor your request to do so.

Yours in Him,


Paul studied books. I am sure Jesus read Jewish books. Dr. Luke must have read books. The Galatians passage warns about believing another Gospel/another counterfeit Christ (2 Cor.), not searching out biblical truths in all doctrinal areas (like baptism, communion, worship styles, etc.). The early church had doctrinal disputes that they wrestled with. Corinthians are 'issue'/problem letters. Others dealt with circumcision.

The James passage is used by Mormons to pray whether the Book of Mormon is true. In context, we are to ask for wisdom in relation to trials and persecution. It is not wisdom for doctrinal truth (though a principle could be developed...not from this prooftext). Timothy letters exhort us to study to show ourselves approved. Acts says to reason from the Scriptures (our primary source).


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Mateo
Master Clete,

Re: My rejection of extrabiblical books and the biblicality of this approach... To begin with, I find no passage which directs us to study anything but the word of God. In addition Paul and others make it clear that should man or angel put forth any other doctrine than that which He gave they are to be rejected ( actually, accursed if I recall correctly). The scriptures also indicate that if we lack wisdom we should make our request to God and we are told that the Holy Spirit would lead us to all truth. It has also been my personal experience that every single book I have read with the obvious exception of the Bible contained within it some extrabiblical notion. Any and all literary efforts on the part of man can only hope to fall short of God's effort.

That said I do seem to recall that Paul noted that to save a Jew he became as a Jew and in that spirit I suppose it is inevitable that I read "The Plot". If you will tell me how I might acquire a copy I will honor your request to do so.

Yours in Him,


While I think that your Biblical reasoning is somewhat of a stretch, I will admit it is a better apologetic for your position that I thought could be made. And as I am beside myself with anticipation of your reading The Plot I won't press the issue any further until after you've read it.
Just click anywhere on this post where I have typed The Plot and it will take you to a page where you can order a copy. The price of The Plot is a little high but its worth it. If you find that you can't afford it, just call 1-888-8ENYART and talk with them about it. I'm sure they'll take what ever you can afford.

Be sure to let me know when you've read it! I'll be very interested to hear your opinion.

Resting in Him,

P.S. Is "biblicality" a word? :chuckle:


New member
Clete inquired:

"P.S. Is "biblicality" a word? "

If it isn't it won't be the first time I have attempted to coin a term. Any one know Merriam Webster's number?


New member
Master Clete,

Sorry to trouble you further but I don't do credit cards and my own computer is down. would you be so kind as to get me a mailing address for me to send the money necessary to get Mr. Enyart's book.

Many thanks,



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Mateo
Master Clete,

Sorry to trouble you further but I don't do credit cards and my own computer is down. would you be so kind as to get me a mailing address for me to send the money necessary to get Mr. Enyart's book.

Many thanks,


Sorry, I don't know the address. Just call 1-888-8ENYART and they'll give the address to you or...
They'll take debit cards if you have one of those or...
You might mill around @ Enyart.com or KGOV.com and see if there is a mailing address listed somewhere on those sites.

God Bless!


Night Elf
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

So far it looks like this is the list...
-Clete Pfeiffer
-Denver Survivor
-wholearmor (possibly)

That makes 23!
Is there anyone else?

Whoever was keeping this list can remove my name if they want. I can no longer, in good conscience, support Bob Enyart. :(


New member
Originally posted by frugalmom

Whoever was keeping this list can remove my name if they want. I can no longer, in good conscience, support Bob Enyart. :(

Why not? Just curious. Other than reading the debate between Zakath and him, I don't know anything about Enyart or his teachings. I've been curious about his teachings, but have been reluctant to read them. I don't see many people on TOL who express a negative opinion on him so I would be interested in hearing why you can't support him.
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