Christian Man Fired From $60K Job for Sharing 'Audacity' Film With Lesbian Co-Workers


New member
Your examples are terribly misleading! Why should someone who works for a Christian organization feel free to promote what Christians hold to be sin? The photographer who was "fired" was self employed and "fired" by a customer, to which I say So what? And the guy who was fired by the football team claims that was the reason, but can't prove it.

Oh excuse me...I seriously thought you made the claim that no one would ever be fired from a job for supporting seam sex marriage, not once, not ever.

Oh wait...

Still I don't think you will see anyone get fired for promoting gay marriage "on the clock.
Won't happen, not once, not ever.

You did say that.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you act like a Nazi you will isolate a particular group, claim that their religious expressions are standing in the way of social progress and then start persecution slowly by forcing them out of civil service positions, targeting their businesses and removing them from employment for being affiliated with that group (which is how the Nazi's started with the Jews).

Sound familiar?

This bears repeating.


Well-known member
So if I was your coworker and I tried to a share a video with you about how Christianity is an abomination ON COMPANY TIME like he did with the second woman, you wouldn't go complain to your boss?
I have had that happen. As much as we take flak we really don't do the lawsuits. We pray about what to do, think about what to do. It's been awhile now, but I had a co-worker do what you suggest, about every day I worked. I tried very hard to be nice. He even asked to borrow an expensive pair of binoculars, took them, got drunk, and busted them and returned them broken and STILL slammed my faith. Making him lose his job would have been retribution and punishment, not restorative. I don't care if it didn't work, that is on him. I don't want to be that guy.

So here is a guy actually trying to care, but the opposite was true, they sought his termination in punishment and retribution. A society that isn't tolerant of Christians, is pretty self-centered. You might not like all you hear from them, but pay more attention to what they actually 'do.' We try to live according to the principles we read every day, loving God, and loving people (that is what that video was about, that this guy was fired for btw).


New member
Hey, I made waves in this office when I complained to HR about all the Pope and Catholic talk that was going on in the adjoining offices and hallways... it got to the point where it was unavoidable.

When you come from a heritage that had to deal with Roman Catholic persecution for many centuries and how rational thought debunks pretty much all of Roman Catholicism, it was hard for me to keep my mouth shut and deal with all the talk and still do my job.

My employer pays me to work... pays us all to work.. topics that could be uncomfortable to other employees should be avoided at all costs.

Greg Jennings

New member
This bears repeating.

Um....are you saying that Christians, who are the overwhelming majority in the United States, are under threat of persecution to such a degree as to even be comparable to what the Jews/gypsies/homosexuals/decrepit faced in Hitler's Germany? Surely you are not