Dodged Questions


Eclectic Theosophist


This always happens in a hotly contested thread, especially when dealing with slippery scumbags who pretend that they are followers of Christ - they get asked a pointed question and then either totally ignore it or dodge and dance away from it while pretending that they've answered it.

Instead of dodging, sometimes an "I don't know" is sufficient,...since we are all 'agnostics' where we have no knowledge to share about a subject. We could guess, speculate, form as best an 'answer' as we can, but we would have to confess its only an 'opinion', 'hypothesis', 'point of view', 'assumption', preferred perspective. Our view could change at any moment, as new and better information becomes available.

As far as 'followers of Christ' go....who can really know who actually follows Christ, except by the fruit and character of their lives? That's what you look for, not necessarily just what religious belief-system, doctrine or 'theology' they claim to espouse or be associated with. Wearing a 'name-tag' doesn't necessarily prove you are what that name-tag says. Its just a 'label'. You've got dozens of denominations, sects, cults claiming to follow Jesus. How do you know who is a real follower of the Christ? Just by dogma? By doctrine alone?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
then there is
on one hand you have this
on the other you have that
some here have way too many hands


then there is
on one hand you have this
on the other you have that
some here have way too many hands

just the right number of hands :)



...Crickets :chz4brnz:

He did not rescue these believers. Do you think they were make-believers? Re 6:9

The testimony of S M and A was "be it known unto you that our God is able to deliver us but whether He deliver us or not we will not bow down or worship the statue"

God did not deliver James.


But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.” (Da 3:18, NKJV emphasis mine). They are trusting God either way.

What you have is called presumption not faith.
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