The Rump Congress and the Christmas Coup

patrick jane

A Republican on the House judiciary committee said Saturday he’s gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to subpoena top officials at the FBI and Justice Department in their ongoing inquiry into claims of bias against President Donald Trump.

Republicans have zeroed in on deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who reportedly worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled opposition research on Trump in 2016.

“Chairman Goodlatte has told us he is going to subpoena those individuals,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in an appearance on Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

News of the imminent subpoenas comes amid Fox News publishing a portion of the approximately 10,000 texts messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page. Among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and Page discussed an ‘insurance policy,’ against a Trump presidency.

[h=2]FIREWORKS! Rep. Jim Jordan Reveals McCabe, Strzok, Page And Ohr Family Will Be Subpoenaed[/h]



New member
A Republican on the House judiciary committee said Saturday he’s gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to subpoena top officials at the FBI and Justice Department in their ongoing inquiry into claims of bias against President Donald Trump.

Republicans have zeroed in on deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who reportedly worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled opposition research on Trump in 2016.

“Chairman Goodlatte has told us he is going to subpoena those individuals,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in an appearance on Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

News of the imminent subpoenas comes amid Fox News publishing a portion of the approximately 10,000 texts messages sent between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page. Among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and Page discussed an ‘insurance policy,’ against a Trump presidency.

[h=2]FIREWORKS! Rep. Jim Jordan Reveals McCabe, Strzok, Page And Ohr Family Will Be Subpoenaed[/h]


And yet, will they subpoena Don Jr. to find out what he knows about the Trump-Russia conspiracy? No, certainly not.

The Barbarian

Trump has been desperately pressuring his allies in Congress to find some kind of diversion to save him.

Apparently, the Russian Uranium story fell apart; this is the best they have. Anyway, republicans are starting to put survival ahead of bailing out Trump.

patrick jane

Obama’s Iran Deal Makes Trump’s Russia ‘Collusion’ Look Like Child’s Play

We don’t know how Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump administration will play out, but if it’s half as bad the Obama administration’s coddling of terror-supporting Iran, it should be a massive national scandal.

Empowering terrorist groups. Paying ransom that emboldened our enemies to kidnap Americans. Creating an echo chamber that undermined a free press. Releasing spies, terrorists, and criminals who assisted not only our enemy and her terrorist proxies, but Russia as well. In the Iran deal, we have clear-cut case of the United States handing over extensive concessions to a nation that openly aimed to destabilize our interests, attack our allies, and kill our people — for nothing in return. It’s worse than anything we know about “Russian collusion.”


Well-known member
Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Numbers 24:9
The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

We'll soon find out if Trumps Embassy move was a blessing or a curse?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump should replace Mueller.
Trump should re-open Hillaries e-mail investigation.
He should open an investigation into the Hillary e-mail investigators.
He should open an investigation into Mueller's investigation.
He should open an investigation into Russia or anyone else's meddling in elections.


New member
Obama’s Iran Deal Makes Trump’s Russia ‘Collusion’ Look Like Child’s Play

We don’t know how Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump administration will play out, but if it’s half as bad the Obama administration’s coddling of terror-supporting Iran, it should be a massive national scandal.

Empowering terrorist groups. Paying ransom that emboldened our enemies to kidnap Americans. Creating an echo chamber that undermined a free press. Releasing spies, terrorists, and criminals who assisted not only our enemy and her terrorist proxies, but Russia as well. In the Iran deal, we have clear-cut case of the United States handing over extensive concessions to a nation that openly aimed to destabilize our interests, attack our allies, and kill our people — for nothing in return. It’s worse than anything we know about “Russian collusion.”

That is the silliest pack of assertions I've ever seen.

patrick jane

That is the silliest pack of assertions I've ever seen.
We’re all supposed to believe that President Trump, as a candidate, colluded with the Russian government to “steal” the 2016 election. There’s no serious evidence to that effect, despite a massive FBI investigation, a Congressional investigation, and a special counsel investigation initiated by the Department of Justice.But there is clear evidence that the Obama administration colluded with the Russian government to free an Islamic terrorist responsible for the deaths of Americans — all in order to appease Iran to pave the way for the Obama administration’s surrender to the burgeoning Iranian nuclear program and Iran’s escalating regional ambitions.
A little-noticed bombshell report from Josh Meyer of Politico reports that Ali Fayad, a Lebanese arms dealer and “suspected top Hezbollah operative whom agents believed reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin,” was captured by the Czechs in 2014. Fayad had been indicted in the United States already for “planning the murders of US government employees.” But the Obama administration did nothing to push for extradition. Instead, Fayad ended up in Lebanon, where he’s back at his terrorist work; he’s particularly active in supply weapons to the barbarous Syrian regime.
According to Politico, “administration officials also blocked or undermined their efforts to go after other top Hezbollah operatives … And when Project Cassandra agents and other investigators sought repeatedly to investigate and prosecute Abdallah Safieddine, Hezbollah’s longtime envoy to Iran, whom they considered the linchpin of Hezbollah’s criminal network, the Justice Department refused.”
In other words, working with Russia in order to swing the Iran deal trumped the prosecution of people responsible for continuing murder, including murder of Americans.
This isn’t the only evidence of Obama collusion with Russia, of course. In 2012, Obama was infamously caught on tape stating that he wanted Vladimir Putin to grant him some breathing room on missile defense, pledging “more flexibility” after his election.
[h=1]BOMBSHELL REPORT: Obama Colluded With Putin To Release Lebanese Terrorist Responsible For Targeting Americans[/h]

So we know that Obama was willing to collude with Russia on foreign policy to effect both his re-election effort and to implement his Iranian deal. But we’re supposed to be worried that the Mueller investigation is focusing on the Trump transition team after the 2016 election?



New member
We’re all supposed to believe that President Trump, as a candidate, colluded with the Russian government to “steal” the 2016 election. There’s no serious evidence to that effect,

There's tons of evidence, including the emails between DJTJ and Veselnitskaya. There have been dozens of known contacts, two suspects indicted, two confessions, a national security advisor secretly in business with the Russians and Turkey. A whole bunch of Trump officials lying about their contacts with Russians.

despite a massive FBI investigation,

Ongoing. So far, quite productive.

... a Congressional investigation,

...being sabotaged by DT's own party.

...and a special counsel investigation initiated by the Department of Justice.

That's the same as the FBI investigation.

But there is clear evidence that the Obama administration colluded with the Russian government to free an Islamic terrorist responsible for the deaths of Americans — all in order to appease Iran to pave the way for the Obama administration’s surrender to the burgeoning Iranian nuclear program and Iran’s escalating regional ambitions.

Oh please. There is no equivalence to be found between the United States, under President Obama, making a decision to pursue an avenue with the Russians and Donald Trump's campaign making a deal with the Russians to subvert an American election.

patrick jane

There's tons of evidence, including the emails between DJTJ and Veselnitskaya. There have been dozens of known contacts, two suspects indicted, two confessions, a national security advisor secretly in business with the Russians and Turkey. A whole bunch of Trump officials lying about their contacts with Russians.

Ongoing. So far, quite productive.

...being sabotaged by DT's own party.

That's the same as the FBI investigation.

Oh please. There is no equivalence to be found between the United States, under President Obama, making a decision to pursue an avenue with the Russians and Donald Trump's campaign making a deal with the Russians to subvert an American election.
Sorry rex, Trump nor his campaign made a deal with the Russians to subvert an American election, as much as you need it to be true.


New member
Why are Republicans freaking out about the fact the Mueller got Trump transition emails? Not because they're innocent. Not because there's nothing there. Because tons of transition team individuals are in the White House, and they were interviewed by the special council's team, and now they know that there was something being compared against. They now know that those who lied will be caught. Hence the freakout.


Mueller is a registered Republican appointed by a Republican appointee (Rob Rubenstein), so if anyone has a right to be concerned about an unfair, unbiased investigation its the Democrats!
Mueller fired someone who expressed his political views too much in emails. I think even if Mueller is a liberal, and I think he is, this is a good sign.


Why are Republicans freaking out about the fact the Mueller got Trump transition emails? Not because they're innocent. Not because there's nothing there. Because tons of transition team individuals are in the White House, and they were interviewed by the special council's team, and now they know that there was something being compared against. They now know that those who lied will be caught. Hence the freakout.

Actually, the [may be confused] about your wrong impressions. They are going to speak to Mueller next. According to MSNBC, it could be to "pressure him". I think they want to know what he is up to. Even the public doesn't seem to know.
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New member
Actually, the are conceived about your wrong impressions. They are going to speak to Mueller next. According to MSNBC, it could be to "pressure him". I think they want to know what he is up to. Even the public doesn't seem to know.

Neither the public nor the White House should be asking those questions. And if the White House is, that telegraphs guilt. The whole point of the special council is to investigate the administration with the degree of independence that can ensure fairness. Trump needs to let the investigation run its course, but he can't do that, because he knows what it means for him.
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Neither the public nor the White House should be asking those questions. And if the White House is, that telegraphs guilt. The whole point of the special council is to investigate the administration with the degree of independence that can ensure fairness. Trump needs to let the investigation run its course.

I found the following article to actually make sense. The JBS doesn't support everything Trump does, but the article is mostly about Mueller, and what people have perceived to be sloppy about Mueller.
Dershowitz Slams Mueller’s Capture of Trump Transition E-mails as Foolish


New member
I found the following article to actually make sense. The JBS doesn't support everything Trump does, but the article is mostly about Mueller, and what people have perceived to be sloppy about Mueller.
Dershowitz Slams Mueller’s Capture of Trump Transition E-mails as Foolish

The Dream Team doesn't seem to know what it's talking about. When you log into a US government computer or network, you are explicitly warned that you have no expectation of privacy, and you explicitly consent to surveillance. Mueller simply didn't have any reason to go for a warrant because those emails are not subject to any privacy expectation. To conclude that this is sloppy is ridiculous, and one good reason not to get such a warrant is that the subjects of the investigation could end up getting tipped off if they caught wind of it. He is trying to catch the subjects of the investigation lying.

A good place to go fishing is in a huge public pond. This one seems to have been stocked with morons.

Also, the article repeats the lie that the Steele Dossier has been discredited. There's no reason to believe that, but if you repeat a lie often enough...


The Dream Team doesn't seem to know what it's talking about. When you log into a US government computer or network, you are explicitly warned that you have no expectation of privacy, and you explicitly consent to surveillance. Mueller simply didn't have any reason to go for a warrant because those emails are not subject to any privacy expectation. To conclude that this is sloppy is ridiculous, and one good reason not to get such a warrant is that the subjects of the investigation could end up getting tipped off if they caught wind of it. He is trying to catch the subjects of the investigation lying.

A good place to go fishing is in a huge public pond. This one seems to have been stocked with morons.

They are concerned about checks and balances also. The special prosecuter's office can be used to upset it. And I think how Mueller has been ignoring privacy concerns, that this caused the perception of sloppiness and/or opportunism for Mueller and his team.

I have always expected Trump would get 4 years in office at most. He may get even fewer.


New member
I'd rather it not be true. It would be better if he were just an awful person.

If you know his history, he was at one time "just an awful person" - back when his older, well known as a sweet person of a brother was alive, and Donald was forever scheming against him due to how Fred had at first fawned over his being his first born son, over the Donald.

The man simply has one long history as a lousy individual.

Reminds me of two toddler siblings I was once observing at odds with one another.

When one of them put their peanut butter and jelly sandwich down for a minute just after the other one had asked for a bite, said other then picked it up, obviously believing it was alright to take that requested bite; taking that bite.

At which point, the other pitched a fit, grabbed the sandwich, and repeatedly stomped on it.

The Donald's exact kind of history as a child.

Seems that rotten child remained...that rotten child.

I knew a kid and his old man just like the Donald and his old man.

One day I just finally had it with him and popped him a good one right in the mouth, just after he once more began to go on about himself as he picked his ball to go home, as he announced he was not happy with how things were not going his way during our baseball game.

He actually said that, that way.

A few days later, we run into his dad, his teeth wired together like Pacino in The Godfather.

Turned out he'd approached my old man about my having popped his son in the mouth; took a swing at my old man; who proceeded to rearrange his teeth, but never said a word about it, after that.

We were heroes in that neighborhood, for a long time after that - and all sorts of kids began to find their backbone.

THAT is a summer I cherish - the summer that right against an evil might took care of business!

But that is basically what Trump has needed for far too long - a good rap in the mouth.

Mueller sandwich, anyone?

While I'm at it - Sally Yates, we miss you!