toldailytopic: What does it take to survive on TOL, and can you predict those who wil

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Does it also help to construct posts that are somewhat understandable? :think:

Alright, that's it. You are now only my 456th favorite moderator, and I've moved you down to the 876,756th most interesting "invite Jesus into your heart" proponent in the world.

Is that like asking Yogi, "Yogi, what time is it?," and Yogi responds, "You mean now?"


New member
Interest, a great deal of patience for repetition, a sense of humour, thick skin, etc...

I don't have much of the second one, so I struggle to post regularly for months at a time. I come back periodically and find the same people having the same arguments as when I first joined. Sometimes I find it interesting, sometimes I just don't have the energy. I think what keeps me coming back is a lingering interest in how certain members are doing (though many of them don't seem to post anymore.)

I disagree with anyone who says "don't challenge the mods/admins", though. Don't insult them (or anyone else, really), obviously, but I haven't found any of them above being challenged.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
#7 on AMR's list is one that a lot of folks need to do. If I'm entrenched on a point, what's the purpose in hammering me relentlessly? If someone else has dug in, it serves no purpose for me to stay after them.

Move on. Let 'em waller...

Just sayin'...


New member
Also it helps if you don't advertise great deals on shoes or other sensible products. :plain: That's a pretty good short term shelf life indicator.

Haha, Like Roman sandle's with a suit of armer! charge!!! bring them down with solar powered compact mirrors, an paint there toe nails pink!


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Alright, that's it. You are now only my 456th favorite moderator, and I've moved you down to the 876,756th most interesting "invite Jesus into your heart" proponent in the world.

I gotta know...

Who's your 455th and 876,755th favorites?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Wisdom, knowing what to say and when to say it. I have been here a year now and have watched. I've done more reading than I have done posting and have made several observations. There are posters that don't blend in and there are posters that do. I will call them the Sore Thumbs and the Assets.

The Sore Thumbs: :down: They have very sharp tongues. They will even attack the Administration. They don't take correction and they will draw a lot of attention to themselves. They are distruptive whiners that often cuss or make vile rude posts. Many of them are thin skinned as well. These behaviors doesn't necessarily favor one particular theology or religion. Many of them are very hot tempered and have tantrums like small children. These folk rack up the bans or some may leave of their own accord. These people over the long run don't survive on TOL.

The Assets: :thumb: These people follow the rules. They are helpful to the Newbies and they show them around the forum. They do debate, sometime heatedly, but they have enough self control not to resort to foul language or namecalling without cause. They support the Administration and abide by their decisions. They also take correction. They are willing to learn from others on how to behave on the board. The most artful posters also belong to this group. They are also even tempered and don't lose their cool. These people will survive on TOL over the long term.

This is a good post here Inzl though I would refer to the two groups as "Pillars and Caterpillars". The pillars are the ones that are active contributers to the site and the caterpillars just crawl in and out. All in all though your post sums up my thoughts on the subject. Good post :thumb:


New member
Hard to say anything more than what was in AMR's post, that was outstanding. I'd say getting to know a few people, make some friends, getting out there who you are and where you are coming from can help to keep you from being viewed negatively if you ever find yourself in disagreeance with anyone. If you do disagree with someone, keep it fair and cordial and understand that it's ok to disagree.