Trump should get Nobel Peace Prize

God's Truth

New member
Oh, ya got me, you're right. I'm just having a laugh. Trump has done a sterling job with Covid-19. Everything he's done from the early warning signs to the present has been exemplary, no fault on his part or the current administration whatsoever. The thousands of deaths when he said it was all under control was simply an aberration and his declaration of a national emergency wasn't forced at all.


Now don't you feel better?

God's Truth

New member
Eh, I'm not a monarchist whichever way but this gormless, practical worship of a man who doesn't give two cents for you besides voting potential for his own sake is just...well, sad and bewildering.

If he does good stuff in order to get votes then who cares? I do believe he cares about people though.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If he does good stuff in order to get votes then who cares?

He could have done that by replenishing PPE stock if there was a shortage of it and saved lives in the process instead of paying lip service and pandering to people, saying this virus wasn't a big deal and was all under control.

But in some senses you're "right". He'll get votes from the "MAGA" or ironically named "KAGA" crowd no matter what.

God's Truth

New member
He could have done that by replenishing PPE stock if there was a shortage of it and saved lives in the process instead of paying lip service and pandering to people, saying this virus wasn't a big deal and was all under control.

So besides that, you think that you might like him a little?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You did sound good: you know it felt good too. lol

Come on, let's meet in the middle.

Okay, lets. I'm cynical in regards to politics in the main all ends up. You can criticize all manner of stuff related to the UK and chances are, I'd agree depending.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump has done so much good, and you call him a narcissist, so if we meet in the middle we both would have to say yes.

He's pretty much a self declared narcissist. He defines himself as a very stable genius and there's nothing to support that hypothesis. He downplayed Covid-19. He made light of it for political expediency until the numbers went up. He could have done so much better by addressing it in the early stages instead of crying "fake news" every time the evidence was to the contrary. To be fair, that was his administrations fault also but the buck stops somewhere.