Why did Dish drop FOX News?


Well-known member
I thought you didnt watch tv?

That's right. She doesn't watch TV. Ever. She's made that very clear:


i dont watch TV

i dont watch TV

i hate TV, dont have one

i dont even watch TV (NONE)

dont watch TV

i don't watch TV..

is it cus i dont watch TV?:dunce:

i dont watch TV

for the same reason i wouldn't let people throw garbage into a creek... that i want to stay clean and pristine...

i dont watch TV

I don't watch TV

i dont watch anything on TV

I hate TV and dont watch it EVER but most ppl do...

you probably watch a lot of TV... which brainwashes ppl

most of us aren't too bright, watch too much TV (I watch NONE myself)...

don't know what u mean... dont watch TV...

if u loved Jesus you would check out someone telling you about His Real Presence in HIS Church...

but obviously you would rather... say, watch TV

i don't even watch TV

I'm glad i dont watch TV

i dont watch TV... hate the ^%$# thing

i dont watch TV...

i dont watch TV EVER

well, that shows that at least one person puts way too much validity on TV

i dont watch TV EVER

haven't for many yrs...

We know. Tell us again.

Give yourself a pat on the back and have a cookie.

not all of us watch TV... (hate the #$%^ thing!)

I was going to say I am sorry I dont watch TV... But then i said to myself, "SORRY you dont watch TV????"


i dont watch TV

i dont watch TV

i dont watch TV

ignorance is bliss

cus i dont watch TV

i have an above avg IQ and have been to college, read many books.. dont watch TV

That last one alone shows how bright i am..

(of course i dont watch TV... )

i dont watch TV

dont watch TV....

of cours i dont watch TV... hate the damn thing..

And a favorite, where TSF implies she's always perfectly honest:

I still believe you watch television.

you would LOSE that bet...

i guess u figure since you aren't always perfectly honest yourself (and/or know anyone who is??), no one else is either????


New member
It's for the best. All the media outlets do is create content that gets them the most ratings possible. Fox doesn't care about integrity or any of us any more than CNN. That's why your precious O'Reilly keeps thumping the race topic, it gets him big ratings. That's all they care about.

Why would they drop Fox? Who knows for sure but I figure it's money related.


Hall of Fame
no, it's just some business kerfuffle or another...


but maybe they don't like Fox

God knows... But I don't like Dish for dumping them. I wonder how long this will be the case??

:think: Perhaps I should rethink going back to Dish ...

Nah, Direct TV is so much better.

Hulu might have Fox News ... not to mention all the Independent channels you can acquire with Roku.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
That's right. She doesn't watch TV. Ever. She's made that very clear:


And a favorite, where TSF implies she's always perfectly honest:

:first: this is how it is done
Last edited:


New member
It's for the best. All the media outlets do is create content that gets them the most ratings possible. Fox doesn't care about integrity or any of us any more than CNN. That's why your precious O'Reilly keeps thumping the race topic, it gets him big ratings. That's all they care about.

Why would they drop Fox? Who knows for sure but I figure it's money related.

typical leftie response: criticize, cynicize... etc...


I just want to watch conservative NEWS



New member
Why is it such an AWFUL thing that Fox would want higher ratings?

but in case you don't know they are already the HIGHEST rated cable news



New member
Dish apparently was concerned about their drop in viewership. Black viewership of FOX has fallen by nearly 30%, from 1.38% to 1%.

That's not a joke. It's true.

who cares what u say. I don't trust ANY leftie, ESPECIALLY one claiming to be Catholic. Ha ha... what a joke...

since when do Catholics

condone abortion?

condone gay rights

condone putting the environment over humans?


The Barbarian

who cares what u say. I don't trust ANY leftie, ESPECIALLY one claiming to be Catholic. Ha ha... what a joke...

Go to the link. It's true. "The blackest hearts, the whitest viewers."

since when do Catholics

condone abortion?

Unless you condone abortion, no one in this conversation does. If you do, then you probably voted for Romney, who promised to protect a "woman's right to chose." Did you?

Condone gay rights

From the Catechism:
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

I put the relevant passage in red for you. Do you agree with the Church or not?

condone putting the environment over humans?

The environment determines human conditions. If you favor damaging the environment, then you are putting the environment over humans. The Church says we are stewards of creation, and we are accountable for it.

You don't sound very much like a Catholic, I must say.