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  • Thanks Sissy, sorry I did not see it till today, my family took me out yesterday when I got home from work so, I didn't see your post till this afternoon. Thank you so much. :D
    Hi Tam, I want to thank you for your attempt at peace keeping. Wonderful idea! I intend to stay out of the women' forum due to Glorydaze pursuit of her vendetta against me. I thought we'd let bygones be bygones but not so. I have no wish to drag up the noxious things she has posted against me as a rebuttal to her comments. So best to stay away. But I support you 100%
    Blessings, Pat
    Oh! I found it!

    That's as cool as it gets - and for a post that I'm really proud of writing too!

    Thanks so much for nominating it! You're the best!
    Hey Tam, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and all is well with you.

    You are missed.
    Yes, very sad.

    It's threatening us again tomorrow, but not as severe maybe.

    I've got to be on the road to Jackson for a funeral, tomorrow.
    :chuckle: I forgot, you're already in the darn thing (HOF) :eek: Well, that's why we need a better link. If I don't think to look I'm lucky I remember I'm in it. Our women are woefully underrepresented though.
    You and Heir should be on that short list too, for what it's worth. :e4e: If I haven't gotten around to it yet, Merry Christmas. :)
    I'm so happy for you. My life is joy filled with family, friends and Church. I must just keep TOL in its place! Because I have so many folks there who I count as friends!
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