9-11 second strike. There was no plane. Here is the evidence.


New member
Stay on topic.
Do you think THIS VIDEO is real? You haven't answered yet. Still waiting...

I think there is an issue with people believing what they saw on TV was real.

This thread is about second plane strike, if you want to talk about the moon please start your own thread. I am not interested about your feelings. I want people to watch the video and discuss.

I cannot watch the video because I am afraid it is embedded with a code that may harm my computer or let you hunt me down and kidnap me for illicit purposes. Maybe you will try to sell me on the black market?

But I repeat I saw Aaron Brown talking about the first plane when suddenly the second plane came into view...

No one can do what was done on that morning through trickery without time to effect the falseness. And time is one thing they did not have.
You could not fake the surprise, nor the cries, all around every where, when it happened. Aaron was standing on a balcony. You should have seen Aaron.

Face it, you are doing this because no one called you and told you to watch that morning after the first plane hit.

But I would have if I could have.


New member
Hall of Fame
You can't fix stupid.

Seriously, what kind of idiocy is this? Why not just hijack two planes? What kind of Rube Goldberg inane hare-brained asinine kind of ghoul comes up with this nonsense?


New member
You can't fix stupid.

Seriously, what kind of idiocy is this? Why not just hijack two planes? What kind of Rube Goldberg inane hare-brained asinine kind of ghoul comes up with this nonsense?

This is true.

Essentially the claim is here is that the government went through all this effort to "fake" what they could have just done for real.

Even if the government secretly used explosives to bring the Towers down, why not actually fly planes into them for realism too?


I cannot watch the video because I am afraid it is embedded with a code that may harm my computer or let you hunt me down and kidnap me for illicit purposes. Maybe you will try to sell me on the black market?

But I repeat I saw Aaron Brown talking about the first plane when suddenly the second plane came into view...

No one can do what was done on that morning through trickery without time to effect the falseness. And time is one thing they did not have.
You could not fake the surprise, nor the cries, all around every where, when it happened. Aaron was standing on a balcony. You should have seen Aaron.

Face it, you are doing this because no one called you and told you to watch that morning after the first plane hit.

But I would have if I could have.

I'm not a no-planer (at this point), I'm just here to help out with the "dumb" in the event you have anything substantive to discuss.

1) video and audio are two separate things...

2) might people freak if massive bombs went off in the top of skyscrapers?

3) Maybe, just maybe some things were prepared ahead of time like the script the BBC used for reporting WTC7 had already fallen when it was still standing in the background

4) you seem pretty insignificant, doubt anyone wants to "Danny Jowenko" you on your drive home from church

5) the video available on that day, any "keys", any green screen...I haven't gone there, yet


This is true.

Essentially the claim is here is that the government went through all this effort to "fake" what they could have just done for real.

Even if the government secretly used explosives to bring the Towers down, why not actually fly planes into them for realism too?

There is one valid point, here. Nimrod is only talking about an extra layer to the duplicity. Truthers have already talked about multitudious layers of duplicity that ultimately led to the invasion of Iraq and up to the latest fallout, the unleashing of ISIS.

If Nimrod is really interested in the truth about 9/11 he can start 1,000 threads without getting to the plane/no plane issue. You guys won't listen, anyway.


New member
There is one valid point, here. Nimrod is only talking about an extra layer to the duplicity. Truthers have already talked about multitudious layers of duplicity that ultimately led to the invasion of Iraq and up to the latest fallout, the unleashing of ISIS.

If Nimrod is really interested in the truth about 9/11 he can start 1,000 threads without getting to the plane/no plane issue. You guys won't listen, anyway.

I worry about you. You see conspiracies everywhere.


New member
I wouldn't worry about me. Are your windows locked? ISIS has a photograph of you and they are coming.

I'm old. When I cross over I shall see to it that there are no rewards for rapists, murderers, child molesters and depraved monsters.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is true.

Essentially the claim is here is that the government went through all this effort to "fake" what they could have just done for real.

Even if the government secretly used explosives to bring the Towers down, why not actually fly planes into them for realism too?

Exactly. Makes zero sense and frankly raises more problems and questions than it answers. Let alone the fact that this crime was very well-documented and witnessed in broad daylight. Painful to even have to point this out.


I'm old. When I cross over I shall see to it that there are no rewards for rapists, murderers, child molesters and depraved monsters.
Doubt you are going to be God when you cross over so you best get busy now.


But I repeat I saw Aaron Brown talking about the first plane when suddenly the second plane came into view...

No one can do what was done on that morning through trickery without time to effect the falseness. And time is one thing they did not have.
You could not fake the surprise, nor the cries, all around every where, when it happened. Aaron was standing on a balcony. You should have seen Aaron.



Why not just hijack two planes?

Because there is science that is involved.

Planes cannot disappear into buildings like all the videos show.
In real life, if a plane crashed into a steel frame building, parts of the plane would fall to the ground. (you might think otherwise)

Those parts on the ground have serial numbers. People might get their hands on the evidence and find out it wasn't U175.

A simple google search of plane crashes would give you an idea what happens. It is clear. Too much evidence is left behind.

Who would fly them?

Also, the person or thing flying the plane would have to pin-point the exact location of the bomb within the building.


Exactly. Makes zero sense and frankly raises more problems and questions than it answers. Let alone the fact that this crime was very well-documented and witnessed in broad daylight. Painful to even have to point this out.


Please excuse me for expecting more from you. I always thought you had the best chance for seeing for what it is.

There are plenty of witnesses that say there was no plane. There are plenty of witnesses that say there was. Quit listening to what people say. Instead look at the science. Watch the videos frame by frame, and watch how the plane penetrates the building without doing any damage.

Granite, I still believe you have the best ability to see this. Those so-called Christians are blinded.

Take a step forward and investigate.


New member
Hall of Fame

Please excuse me for expecting more from you. I always thought you had the best chance for seeing for what it is.

There are plenty of witnesses that say there was no plane. There are plenty of witnesses that say there was. Quit listening to what people say. Instead look at the science. Watch the videos frame by frame, and watch how the plane penetrates the building without doing any damage.

Granite, I still believe you have the best ability to see this. Those so-called Christians are blinded.

Take a step forward and investigate.

Quit listening to witnesses who contradict this idiot ludicrous moronic utterly asinine theory. Yeah, gotcha.

Takes a special kind of grave dancing to believe this nonsense.

It's gotten to the point where you literally don't believe your own lying eyes. Unreal.


New member
Hall of Fame
It is called science. Natural law of physics.

It's called delusion. Why people like you insist on complicating the obvious with lunacy is self-evident. There's a sickness at work here.

Have fun with this thread.


It's called delusion. Why people like you insist on complicating the obvious with lunacy is self-evident. There's a sickness at work here.

Have fun with this thread.

You obviously did not watch the OP video.
Instead of criticism of the evidence, you attack the presenter.

Come back after you watch the video.


New member
Hall of Fame
None of this stuff is new to me. And this kind of nonsense distracts from actually important research into 9/11. It's red herrings for chumps.



I haven't posted to this site in years.

If a real plane could not make the building collapse then what does it matter if the plane was faked. Explain why a real plane weighing less than 200 tons with 34 tons of kerosene could not have destroyed a 400,000 tons skyscraper in less than one hour.

Our SCIENTISTS don't even discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower. 30 stories 1000 feet up tilt 22 degrees and physicists do not mention the center of mass. That is very peculir by itself regardless of what caused the phenomenon.

Very Scientific!

Where were you when I was slugging it out with GC Thomas, Cabinet Maker and every yahoo with a smart, sarcastic quip, for 30 pages? If we would support each other we might do something. Are you really happy that you know the truth but the whole country is in strong delusion?