9-11 second strike. There was no plane. Here is the evidence.


I don't think it's fake.

Are we going in circles? It wouldn't surprise me.

Answer the following questions.

Please explain how the wing in the "diamond merchant" video goes behind the building.

Here are more questions from the man who brought us the video in the OP.

Ace Baker said:
Please explain how the right wing of the passenger jet goes past the wall, yet no damage to the wall has yet occurred, but how damage to that portion of the wall does occur, at some time after the wing passes.

Explain why none of the videos show any damage occurring to either the airplane OR the wall, and why the portions of video that would show it have been edited away.

Then please explain why there is no plane in the wide shot of Chopper 5.

Then please explain what the exiting object was, and how this object could possibly attain a size and shape indistinguishable from the nose of a 767.


Well-known member
Do you believe this video is real? It was shown on CNN.
Is this video real

Yes, it's real and horrific.

Please explain how the wing in the "diamond merchant" video goes behind the building.

It goes behind the building because the building is in front of it.

There's nothing strange about it. Go look at a map of NY. That's the Whitehall building in the front, down by Battery Park, where the "diamond merchant" probably was when he shot the video.

It's an illusion of perspective in the video. The building looks like it's in the background, behind the towers, but it's not... The building is in the foreground, in front of the towers (and the plane). When the plane passes behind the building, it's exactly what should have happened.

Look at the video again.

My question is does it make any difference to you?

I can show that the video in the OP is bunk too, but there doesn't seem to be any point. Honestly, would debunking the video change anything for you?


Yes, it's real and horrific.
It goes behind the building because the building is in front of it.

Thanks for pointing that out. I checked and it seems plausible. Not 100% because we can't get the exact same view from google.

The person in the video was mistaken. The building is in front, not "clearly" behind.

You answered one of the questions, but there is more.

Look at the video again.

My question is does it make any difference to you?

I did. And no, it doesn't make a difference. You have a long way to go to prove to me this video is not fake. A simple perspective is easy to overcome, it is the science the isn't.

I can show that the video in the OP is bunk too, but there doesn't seem to be any point. Honestly, would debunking the video change anything for you?

Did I not just change? I agreed with you. The building is in front.
I can change if I am proven wrong. I'm not sure why you stop if you can debunk video.

So here are the other questions.

Please explain how the right wing of the passenger jet goes past the wall, yet no damage to the wall has yet occurred, but how damage to that portion of the wall does occur, at some time after the wing passes.

Explain why none of the videos show any damage occurring to either the airplane OR the wall, and why the portions of video that would show it have been edited away.

If you look at the video again. You will see the wing of the plane go through the building without causing any damage to the building.

How to simply edit the video
Simple edit



New member
I read Watchmen in it's entirety in one sitting, but reading this thread seemed to take much longer, and was a far greater waste of my life. Just how many pages can be dedicated to people commenting about not wanting to waste their time discussing it? Now I've added to it, but at least when I leave I'll actually leave.

And republicanchick didn't even start this one, but she could have.


New member
Do you believe this video is real? It was shown on CNN.
Is this video real

Yes it is real. That is the Downtown Club building. It is in the foreground. Do some research. It looks like it is in the background because it is a dwarf in comparison to the Towers.

You didn't answer my question...

Do you think everyone who was operating a video camera that day got together immediately after the event to edit their videos with the exact same CGI animation? And do you think the thousands of eye witnesses that say there was a second plane are all in on it too?


Do you think everyone who was operating a video camera that day got together immediately after the event to edit their videos with the exact same CGI animation? And do you think the thousands of eye witnesses that say there was a second plane are all in on it too?

Exact same CGI animation? Huh? Did you see the NBC footage? It is called the "ORB" for good reasons. A real 767 is about 2/3rds the width of tower. The ORB dimension wasn't even close. Show me how you came to the conclusion the NBC footage ORB is the exact same CGI.

Again, if you read what I already posted about witnesses. There are plenty who say they saw no plane, heard no plane, while looking at the tower. Go back and see the videos I post who say the opposite.
Do you think all of those witness that say there was no plane are in on it?


New member

I haven't posted to this site in years.

If a real plane could not make the building collapse then what does it matter if the plane was faked. Explain why a real plane weighing less than 200 tons with 34 tons of kerosene could not have destroyed a 400,000 tons skyscraper in less than one hour.

Our SCIENTISTS don't even discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower. 30 stories 1000 feet up tilt 22 degrees and physicists do not mention the center of mass. That is very peculir by itself regardless of what caused the phenomenon.

Very Scientific!



I don't think a single person watched the OP video. Yet, they have a ton to blab about.


I haven't posted to this site in years.

If a real plane could not make the building collapse then what does it matter if the plane was faked. Explain why a real plane weighing less than 200 tons with 34 tons of kerosene could not have destroyed a 400,000 tons skyscraper in less than one hour.

Our SCIENTISTS don't even discuss the center of mass of the tilted top portion of the south tower. 30 stories 1000 feet up tilt 22 degrees and physicists do not mention the center of mass. That is very peculir by itself regardless of what caused the phenomenon.

Very Scientific!


We are far away solving everything about 911, but the no plane theory is another piece of the puzzle. The explosion came from within the building, not the impact site of the planes entrance. The Perps needed us to believe it was a plane so they can blame the coke snorting, stripper club hopping, alcoholic religious zealot jihadist.

Simon Baker

Exact same CGI animation? Huh? Did you see the NBC footage? It is called the "ORB" for good reasons. A real 767 is about 2/3rds the width of tower. The ORB dimension wasn't even close. Show me how you came to the conclusion the NBC footage ORB is the exact same CGI.

Again, if you read what I already posted about witnesses. There are plenty who say they saw no plane, heard no plane, while looking at the tower. Go back and see the videos I post who say the opposite.
Do you think all of those witness that say there was no plane are in on it?

Maybe THEY Planted "Witnesses" To Say That They Saw The Second Plane ? ? ? ? The Masses Can Be Fooled By A Small Group of Devious, Perfectly Placed People, Implemented While Keeping "Operatives" Uninformed, On a Need to Know Basis


Maybe THEY Planted "Witnesses" To Say That They Saw The Second Plane ? ? ? ? The Masses Can Be Fooled By A Small Group of Devious, Perfectly Placed People, Implemented While Keeping "Operatives" Uninformed, On a Need to Know Basis

Shagster says he has an uncle who saw a plane. Problem is, there was no plane. Now it would be nice to get to question his uncle and get the exact details. Kind of hard to see a plane traveling 500mph in New York city, eye witnesses can error. Whatever he thought he saw, it only lasted milliseconds and was fooled after hearing new reports saying "Plane".


Do you think everyone who was operating a video camera that day got together immediately after the event to edit their videos with the exact same CGI animation?

For starters. Carmen Taylor is a so called witness to the plane. Her story stinks. Do you think she is telling the truth?