9-11 second strike. There was no plane. Here is the evidence.


Well-known member
Funny how this slowed-down clip...


Just as the nose hits you can clearly make out sparks struck as the metal of the plane scrapes the metal of the building. You can also make out what looks like a shockwave pass through the front of the plane and wings just before the wings enter.

Amazing detail to produce in a laser-generated hologram or whatever you idiots think the people on the street saw, donchathink? Oh yeah, that's what the red line is supposed to represent...the projection from a Zionist laser hologram satellite.


There was no plane. The perps needed you to believe there was one. When actually there were bombs inside the building.

Natural law of Physics do not allow a plane to magically disappear into a steel frame building with no parts falling down.



Well-known member
So what. Put it on mute. Now answer the question. Do you believe that video is real and the plane is real? It was shown on CNN.

I believe it because people on the ground saw it and attest to it to this day.

Are they all lying?

If it wasn't a plane, what DID they see?

Stop playing with your Viewmaster-level theatrics and answer the hard question:

HOW do you get thousands of random New Yorkers to commit to one lie, or fool them ALL into thinking they saw (and photographed!) something that wasn't there?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
The following content is from an in-depth investigation of the conspiracy theories surround the attacks of 9/11, which was published in the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics. That cover story was expanded and published in August 2006 as a book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths.



New member
Wild guess, here. Israelis weren't taping it, celebrating, pulled over by cops and found to have a bunch of cash, fake IDs and blaming the Palestinians? The owner of Urban Moving Systems didn't completely abandon his company and run back to Israel? No connection between the truck load of explosives and Urban Moving Systems? There weren't scores of Israeli spies rounded up?

Lucky Larry a secret Muslim? Scooter Libby? Perle? Feith? Wurmser? PNAC a Saudi front?

One thing I do know, when we had these long, drawn out debates you weren't there.

But now, like Nimrod, you've got the magic video. Sure, I'll head up to McDonalds in a bit and have a sweet tea and watch these videos.

One thing you really need to do is CALCULATE.

If the Roschilds and the Morgans and the Rockefellers are the real NWO cabal,
and if the most powerful bankers in the world are mostly Germans,
Roman Catholics, Swiss, and all modern industrialists,

and if most of the modern Jews in the West aren't really religious,
but are just liberal socialists with a concern for minorities (like themselves), and don't want to move to Israel,

and if indeed Jews are loudly and publicly quarrelling among themselves
over politics (orthodox vs. liberal, religious vs. secular, Right vs. Left),

then maybe, just maybe, ...think about it... -

maybe "Zionism" is just another part of a large, NON-Jewish plan
to put all the Jews in the middle of a SEA of Jew-Hating Muslim hoards,
who have been given a "Holy Book" apparently written by Jesuit RC creeps,
in order to have ALL the European Jews in CONVENIENTLY IN ONE PLACE,
in order to completely wipe them off the face of the earth.

If indeed "Zionists" cooperated with Nazis to port Jews en masse to Israel,
so they can be easily and cheaply nuked (far more effective than gas),
maybe you need to RE-THINK your conspiracy theory, fool.


Funny how this slowed-down clip...


Just as the nose hits you can clearly make out sparks struck as the metal of the plane scrapes the metal of the building. You can also make out what looks like a shockwave pass through the front of the plane and wings just before the wings enter.

Stay on topic.
Do you think THIS VIDEO is real? You haven't answered yet. Still waiting.

In the OP, that so called spark was dealt with. But you are......let me just say, we Calvinist understand when someone is incapable. You fit that bill.

Watch this video. How do you explain all these people saying there was no plane?
No plane, bomb


New member
Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
The following content is from an in-depth investigation of the conspiracy theories surround the attacks of 9/11, which was published in the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics. That cover story was expanded and published in August 2006 as a book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths.


And for counterpoint:







One thing you really need to do is CALCULATE.

If the Roschilds and the Morgans and the Rockefellers are the real NWO cabal,
and if the most powerful bankers in the world are mostly Germans,
Roman Catholics, Swiss, and all modern industrialists,

and if most of the modern Jews in the West aren't really religious,
but are just liberal socialists with a concern for minorities (like themselves), and don't want to move to Israel,

and if indeed Jews are loudly and publicly quarrelling among themselves
over politics (orthodox vs. liberal, religious vs. secular, Right vs. Left),

then maybe, just maybe, ...think about it... -

maybe "Zionism" is just another part of a large, NON-Jewish plan
to put all the Jews in the middle of a SEA of Jew-Hating Muslim hoards,
who have been given a "Holy Book" apparently written by Jesuit RC creeps,
in order to have ALL the European Jews in CONVENIENTLY IN ONE PLACE,
in order to completely wipe them off the face of the earth.

If indeed "Zionists" cooperated with Nazis to port Jews en masse to Israel,
so they can be easily and cheaply nuked (far more effective than gas),
maybe you need to RE-THINK your conspiracy theory, fool.

Start your own thread. This is about second strike. Keep it simple.


Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
The following content is from an in-depth investigation of the conspiracy theories surround the attacks of 9/11, which was published in the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics. That cover story was expanded and published in August 2006 as a book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths.


Delmar you seem like a reasonable person. I'll be short and quick to the point, as this thread is about the video and the second strike.

The really good people that ran Popular Mechanics sold their shares and ownership before 911. In place were people who have connections to Bush. The perps were one step ahead on this.
Start another thread if you think this is worth investigating.


Well-known member
Stay on topic.
Do you think THIS VIDEO is real? You haven't answered yet. Still waiting.

Of course I think it's real. I see no reason to think it's not, nor to doubt the people who saw it with their own eyeballs. Unlike you, who know better than they what they saw.
But you are......let me just say, we Calvinist understand when someone is incapable. You fit that bill.
Now we're down to the root of it: I think you're delusional, you think I'm a reprobate. Not because I believe a false gospel, but because I don't think the great Zionist cabal was behind 9/11. And that's all the evidence you need to say I'm lost.

So we're done here.


no plane, no problem.

But the real issue isn't how. Who cares?

The real issue is who:

So lets name all the names:

Those Behind 9-11 Full Story


Couldnt u come up with something more boring? Some person who feels no need to identify himself just starts stringing together some narrative. Who is this mystery person in relation to the whole truth community?

Surprise, surprise, no high fivers, no art student spies...well, truthfully i wasted less than the full 45 minutes of my life on this garbage.

Anyway, why don't you give us a nice Muslim-hate thread to make our Saturday.


Of course I think it's real. I see no reason to think it's not, nor to doubt the people who saw it with their own eyeballs.

Didn't watch the video of those who did not see the plane, yet saw the whole thing? We have conflicting evidence here.

Back to the "diamond merchant video"

Please explain how the wing goes behind the building.

Here are more questions from the man who brought us the video in the OP.

Ace Baker said:
Please explain how the right wing of the passenger jet goes past the wall, yet no damage to the wall has yet occurred, but how damage to that portion of the wall does occur, at some time after the wing passes.

Explain why none of the videos show any damage occurring to either the airplane OR the wall, and why the portions of video that would show it have been edited away.

Then please explain why there is no plane in the wide shot of Chopper 5.

Then please explain what the exiting object was, and how this object could possibly attain a size and shape indistinguishable from the nose of a 767.


Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
The following content is from an in-depth investigation of the conspiracy theories surround the attacks of 9/11, which was published in the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics. That cover story was expanded and published in August 2006 as a book titled Debunking 9/11 Myths.


aka a link to a 10 year old propaganda piece for people too lazy to investigate it for themselves.

Yes, I know you are a moderator. It's still garbage.


Well-known member
Didn't watch the video of those who did not see the plane, yet saw the whole thing? We have conflicting evidence here.

Back to the "diamond merchant video"

Please explain how the wing goes behind the building.

Here are more questions from the man who brought us the video in the OP.

How do I know it's not some artifact of the recording itself? 2001, after all...were it shot today on even a cheaper phone it'd look much better. Or, how do I know some dishonest clown didn't manipulate the existing video to add what look like discrepancies? I mean seriously, if "they" were able to go through all the trouble to CGI it, "they" would not have left in such obvious errors that the amateur tinfoil brigade could spot. Really...be objective for a moment...does that make sense to you?


How do I know it's not some artifact of the recording itself?

Simple. Go to the archives of CNN and get the original. Show me the difference.

How about the "nose out" video. Bring us the original. Show us, we are the ones that did the editing.


One thing you really need to do is CALCULATE.

If the Roschilds and the Morgans and the Rockefellers are the real NWO cabal,
and if the most powerful bankers in the world are mostly Germans,
Roman Catholics, Swiss, and all modern industrialists,

and if most of the modern Jews in the West aren't really religious,
but are just liberal socialists with a concern for minorities (like themselves), and don't want to move to Israel,

and if indeed Jews are loudly and publicly quarrelling among themselves
over politics (orthodox vs. liberal, religious vs. secular, Right vs. Left),

then maybe, just maybe, ...think about it... -

maybe "Zionism" is just another part of a large, NON-Jewish plan
to put all the Jews in the middle of a SEA of Jew-Hating Muslim hoards,
who have been given a "Holy Book" apparently written by Jesuit RC creeps,
in order to have ALL the European Jews in CONVENIENTLY IN ONE PLACE,
in order to completely wipe them off the face of the earth.

If indeed "Zionists" cooperated with Nazis to port Jews en masse to Israel,
so they can be easily and cheaply nuked (far more effective than gas),
maybe you need to RE-THINK your conspiracy theory, fool.

I'll keep it brief realizing I'm talking to a guy who constantly posts anti-Muslim threads and even defended Nick M when he said he world is a better place now that three Muslim college students are dead...come to think about it, why am I even talking to you?

Why am I even talking to you? Nimrod wants to keep the thread on track. I hope no one else addresses me in this thread I truly want to be done.


I mean seriously, if "they" were able to go through all the trouble to CGI it, "they" would not have left in such obvious errors that the amateur tinfoil brigade could spot. Really...be objective for a moment...does that make sense to you?

Supposedly you should be able to call CNN or FOX or NBC and get a copy of any days recording.

If you watched the OP video, this all came about because of the "nose out" live shot. The perps had to be quick to cover the error. In doing so they made more errors. Yes, this does make sense because humans make errors. My guess is they were up all night, lack of sleep, and didn't do enough QA over the video edit.

Does it make sense a cocaine sniffing, alcohol drinking, strip joint lap dancing man would commit suicide?


"they" would not have left in such obvious errors that the amateur tinfoil brigade could spot.

First of all. You were shown this video hundreds of times around 9-11. It fooled you.

Now you have problems. You now admit this video was edited. Guess where that leads to.....They all have been edited. There were no planes.