ECT Heretical Teaching of the Word-Faith Movement


The following are a few facts about the dangerous and deceptive Word of Faith Movement which is sweeping the Body of Christ with it’s lies and faulty theology:

1) The Word of Faith heresy is a hybrid religion that is a blend of New Age ideas and Charismatic excesses.

2) It was founded by a Baptist Preacher that was heavily influenced by the mind science teachers of his day including Mary Baker Eddy. He brought in many New Age and Mind Science teachings and blended them with scripture twisted out of context.

3) The Word of Faith Theology was further developed by a man that claimed at least eight visitations from Jesus Christ. In each of these visits this preacher was given extra revelation and extra biblical insight.

4) This preacher boasted for years that he walked in Divine health although he was being treated for heart disease with medication.

5) This preacher’s message was a blend of the Word of God and his visions. He often taught the Word of God in light of his visions.

6) This is very similar to the Prophet Joseph Smith that claimed extra revelation through visits from Jesus and God as he founded the Mormon church.

7) Most of the highest regarded Word of Faith teachers have not been to a legitimate seminary. Most of them were self taught from listening to tapes from other Word of Faith teachers.

8) The Word of Faith Movement is anchored on one passage of scripture that is found in Mark 11:23-24. In this passage Jesus used a common, everyday Jewish hyperbole to teach his inner circle Apostles to believe in the power of God. The Word of Faith preachers have distorted the Greek text and the meaning of this passage to build an entire religion that revolves around faith and words as a means to obtain health and wealth.

9) Although the Word of Faith leaders do extensive teaching on faith and healing, it does not bear fruit in their own lives. Many of them died of tumors, cancer and heart disease.

10) Although the Word of Faith teachers love to minister from the 91st Psalm about God’s prophetic protection of the Messiah, they themselves live in constant fear and have numerous body guards and ushers.

11) The Word of Faith Message is centered on the prosperity scriptures that were meant for Israel under the Old Covenant. They emphasis tithing and sowing seeds as a means to obtain wealth. The Word of Faith Movement is obsessed with wealth and materialism and the worship of money.

12) The Word of Faith leaders teach that Jesus was wealthy although the scripture is very clear that he was not.

13) The Word of Faith leaders place thousands of well meaning believers under extreme pressure and condemnation by telling them outlandish and half true testimonies.

14) The Word of Faith leaders do an enormous amount of teaching on submission to authority, walking in love, and staying away from being offended. This produces a fearful cult like atmosphere in their churches. It keeps people from expressing hurts and concerns. It makes people feel like they cannot leave their church for any reason.

15) Many of the prominent Word of Faith teachers live the lifestyles of the rich and famous and flaunt it as a testimony of God’s favor while the people that are sending in their money are regarded as nothing.

16) The Word of Faith ministers are dishonest with scripture, often completely distorting it to rhyme with their doctrines.

18) Word of Faith ministers love to boast and brag about their faith and what their faith has done for them.

19) That is because it is called the Word of FAITH. It is a religion that revolves around faith instead of a religion that has faith in God. They teach faith in faith and faith in words.

20) The Word of Faith leaders teach that we are little gods and that we can act and perform much as God can. This also is a distortion of scripture and another thing that the Word of Faith has in common with the Mormons.

21) Word of Faith theology rejects the blood of Jesus as the sufficient atonement for our sins.

22) Word of Faith theology teaches that Jesus did not use His Divinity while on the earth while the Bible teaches that He was fully God and in total control at every moment.

23) The Word of Faith Movement teaches that words spoken from a human have inherent and creative power of their own.

24) Word of Faith teaches that Jesus said that you will have what you say, which is not what He said.

25) The Word of Faith theology depends on the King James translation of Mark 11:23-24

26) The same passage is found also in Matthew 21, and is worded quite differently, causing all the faith formulas based on Mark 11:23-24 to be out of whack.

27) The Word of Faith is humanism. It puts man in charge and God in the backseat.

28) The Word of Faith Movement misrepresents the character of Job.

29) The Word of Faith takes numerous passages from the New Testament and completely butchers them to fit their doctrine.

30) The Word of Faith creates fear, bondage, and a distorted unbiblical viewpoint of God.

31) The Word of Faith emphasises success and prosperity while Jesus stressed suffering and humility.

I will think of hundreds of other things after I post this, but these 31 facts are indeed facts. The Word of Faith is a cult because it is led by people claiming special insight and revelation that is unorthodox. They also attempt to control their subjects with fear, manipulation and bullying.
The Word of Faith is the Doctrine of Devils. It is an evil message that kills people and wrecks lives.

Please do not be afraid to look at the evidence. I was too afraid to examine the evidence because I wanted things my way. The Word of Faith put me in charge of my own life, and I liked that. But when I got up the courage to begin to read and study, God opened my eyes with truth and freedom. I am no longer in the cult!
Point 17) is missing from the article. Not sure of the reason.

Cross Reference

New member
These people claim they were involved in the world of charismania, but they don't even understand the doctrines they claim to be involved in.
So they're either too unintelligent to even understand what they were taught, or they never were involved in the first place.

They're just here to seek attention from the powerless dispies.

Meh......leave em to cry in their beer.

Amen! So much to say with no foundation to support them.
strange fires

strange fires

A Christian Response To The Word of Faith Movement

We are now aware of what Faith teachers mean when they make their claims in the name of God, Christ and the Gospel. Sadly we are also all aware of the dangerous paths they have lead converts, and, by default, a very sizable portion of the Body of Christ.

Such teaching hasn't gone unnoticed by the secular world, as this Time Magazine article cover shows, although the "gospel of wealth" is hardly "new" as it implies. With the endless appeal to this "prosperity gospel" by innumerable megachurch Faith pastors now being watched more carefully by secular eyes, the inevitable questions are being asked more closely then ever before.

Read article at:

Cross Reference

New member
Word of Faith Heresy Exposed

At first glance, the Word Faith Movement appears to be very appealing, and seems to make sense. On closer scrutiny though, it soon becomes clear that there is something horribly wrong. Is the Word of Faith teaching fact or fiction? You decide ...

Read whole article at:

We have and though we don't have full agree with them we have absolutely none with you. Your motive is not pure and it shows to them who love the Lord, who have discernment in the theology on both sides of the aisle.

__ go home.
Evangelical Reformed Fellowship by Steve Curtis

The church in the 20th century took on a decidedly different form than had been the case for the prior 1900 years. One of the most drastic departures emerged in what is known as the “Word of Faith” movement. This movement gained significant traction in American culture due to the proliferation of its teachers via mass media outlets such as cable television – especially the channels devoted specifically to the movement (e.g., TBN). The movement quickly gained an immense following, appealing to the innate desires of humanity to be in good health and prosperous. Coupled with the alleged underpinnings of Scriptural authority, this has become the most “popular” form of contemporary Christianity. And, though the movement itself is patently un-Christian as this study will show, many sincere, truly regenerated believers have fallen under the tantalizing “spell” of charismatic teachers who make such grand promises but, inevitably, fail to deliver. The expectations are seldom realized because their foundation is unbiblical and untenable.

Read another critique of the Word-Faith Movement which cannot be defended on Biblical principles:


New member
Hall of Fame

First they play the wounded bird act, all beaten up by being involved.
Then suddenly they're an expert against everything that has anything to do with any power.

Show me your power, raise my son from the grave. Tell us how many people you have raised, healed (limbs coming back to life, that kind) or how many you have personally seen have this done.

If you only have testimonies of it, have never witnessed it, ask yourself where the 'power' in your church is. Either they and you have no faith, or its a false teaching.

Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.


Well-known member
Show me your power, raise my son from the grave. Tell us how many people you have raised, healed (limbs coming back to life, that kind) or how many you have personally seen have this done.

If you only have testimonies of it, have never witnessed it, ask yourself where the 'power' in your church is. Either they and you have no faith, or its a false teaching.

Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

It's a failure to "rightly divide". Speaking gibberish and gold teeth go together quite well.

Acts 5:12 And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's a failure to "rightly divide". Speaking gibberish and gold teeth go together quite well.

Acts 5:12 And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch.


"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to 'dishonor God and to flatter man." Charles Spurgeon

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
These people claim they were involved in the world of charismania, but they don't even understand the doctrines they claim to be involved in.
So they're either too unintelligent to even understand what they were taught, or they never were involved in the first place.

They're just here to seek attention from the powerless dispies.

Meh......leave em to cry in their beer.

Anyone interested in finding out about the "Word of Faith Movement"
need not look any further than 'You-Tube!' Those people have been
known to, act drunk and fall on the floor, make animal noises, laugh
continuously like they're insane, make odd faces, run around the
church like a wild animal is chasing them, shake their heads back
and forth as fast as they can while, apparently prophesying or
something, and speaking some form of gibberish!

These things are NOT from God!! Look up Todd Bentley? He
bragged about kicking an old woman in the nose with his 'biker
boot' at one of his "Revivals!" Look up Kenneth Hagin who was
one of the "higher ups" in the "Word of Faith Movement," and
watch him get up to the mic and stick out his tongue and make
hissing noises like a snake while being unable to speak!! He
also is seen, acting drunk, and walking around the auditorium
laughing like a mad man, touching people and making them
fall to the floor!!

The list goes on and on!! Check out this crazy behavior on
You-Tube? It's sickening!!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In one "Revival" a man was crawling on all fours while another person
had him on a leash like he was walking him through the park! The "Word
of Faith Movement" has no shame!! They act like crazy people who are
locked up in "Bedlam?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Take a look at Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland's antics. All these
"odd fellows" are part of this movement! Benny Hinn claimed that
the dead were raised, and later said; "I just heard about it!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This "Movement" is nothing but a "Circus!" And, trust me, it's a
huge money making movement! These guys are rich beyond

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Once people have rejected Paul's Gospel, they will turn to "anything!"
The people who follow these, so called "preachers" are looking for "signs and

John 20:29 "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou
hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

Mathew 16:4 "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and
there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he
left them, and departed."