The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
No blasphemy...just a different perspective.....

No blasphemy...just a different perspective.....

The UB should receive an infraction from mods for blasphemy against our Lord Jesus Christ :plain:

The UB presents a most positive, inspiring and uplifting revelation of Jesus, but maybe not according to every jot and tittle of your traditional conception. Any researcher can decide such for himself, which story of Jesus to believe, since even beyond a biblical or UB context there are those who question the historicity of Jesus if it be actual or mythological or some blend therein, but I haven't gone there in this thread, respecting the UB's uniqueness and exploring its breadth on religious subjects, most importantly it's cosmology which expands one's theology beyond former traditions and concepts. An 'epochal revelation' does just that, as revelation is progressive.

The UB's full and open account of Jesus as our Creator Son and his teachings can be openly compared to the gospel accounts, as truth has nothing to fear upon honest examination. The moral, religious and philosophical values, truths, meanings and principles still hold and are amply described in the volume upon various subjects....mostly in religion, science and philosophy. The discourses on Religion have been shared here,.....why have none bothered to comment, agree/disagree or expand thereon?

All Jesus taught and more are free for any to research, from all resources that have any meaning or value.

Jesus studies


New member

You just don't get it. Everyone on TOL considers the urantia UFO cult materials to be bogus baloney and garbage - except you and caino. It's plagarized from the Holy Bible, but twisted and distorted into a fabricated mess. The ub contradicts the Holy Bible countless times. At best, the ub is a pitiful science fiction comedy, but it isn't funny. Trying to sell it as serious or a revelation from God is not possible, regardless of how hard or long that you try. I'm sure that it's an abomination in the eyes of God.


:nono: And that is probably why Knight allows it. It is the stuff of needed ridicule. I'll go ahead and do more:

:nono: That's works-based religion of all religions, wrapped up in "Aliens" nonsense. In fact, the UB here, has Jesus as nothing but an example and idea to follow. Some guy thought we Christians should buy into all the other world religions and stop complaining about cultists as well. The Moonies and Bahia tried to do the same. :nono: The ONLY reason U-would want to post U-rant-ia on here is because nobody else would listen and only to gather a few insecure fringe. It is Christian cannibalism and Borg mentality. We aren't threatened by it, we are Spiritually against it. It is COMPLETELY against the bible, the saving message of Jesus Christ and your need for a Savior, and against the message and purpose of Christianity. We have no desire to go against Christ, His work of Salvation, His Word, or His church. None.

You are a weirdo, Rant-ia book, to think I or anyone is 'afraid' of your ranting, little pipsqueak.

"Hate without cause?" :nono: As I said, your cult book is against everything we stand for and you have the audacity to come here with it and try to shove it.

:nono: Just 'against' you, dumb book. Why, I'd make tissue paper out of you, you wimpy thing.
:nono: Giving way too much credit to yourself Rant-Book. We just don't like you and think you don't belong in our company. You are a special needs weirdo among religions.
We aren't afraid of you, just find you distasteful, inane, inappropriate for Christianity, and needing to take a shower Mr. wets-his-pages book.
"Indeed" nope. This 'is' the old man-made religion simply given a special-needs whitewash. It is still a dead-man's religion trying to reach god using our own ludicrous bootstraps.

The UB should receive an infraction from mods for blasphemy against our Lord Jesus Christ :plain:

In the original gospel and the UB, salvation is not by "works" it's simply by the faith based realization that all men and women of the earth or children of the Living God. But continued growth in the kingdom is by spiritual work, spiritual effort. There is much, much more after this life in the progressive growth towards God the Father on paradise. Our resurrection adds nothing, we start right where we left off.

LOL! The truth will set you free but it will make you angry first. BTW, I've never blasphemed God. When people are threatened with truth they hide behind such trumped up charges.

Christianity is a mere shadow of the original gospel of Jesus, it's sect divided and hopelessly unsalvageable. The UB is our new rudder.

In the failure of his followers to live up to the ideals embodied in the Kingdom of heaven as taught and established by Christ, the socialized church became an institutional substitute. A religion about Jesus replaced the original religion of Jesus.

Impulsive Peter, who was prone to mistakes even when warned about them before hand, took things in a new direction after the ascension and the coming of the spirit of truth. Paul, never having been taught by Christ in the flesh, made compromises with the Pagan world to make the message more acceptable. The triumphant life of Jesus and how he lived it was eclipsed by the spectacular events of the death and resurrection. It was the original sin theory of the Persians that gave man the idea that he is somehow born into debt. We aren't dead nor are we responsible for the sins of others high or low. Jesus was a positive teacher of the Living.

Jesus simply could never be the Jewish Messiah, the problem wasn't the Son of God incarnate on earth, the problem was the ideology of evolved Judaism.

After you calm down a bit, have a cup of coffee, consider this. No really Lon, I want your honest assessment of this clip.


NOTE: when the UB uses the term "cult" that is synonymous with sect or group of believers. In the the UB the term cult doesn't have the negative connotation.

121:7.1 "By the times of Jesus the Jews had arrived at a settled concept of their origin, history, and destiny. They had built up a rigid wall of separation between themselves and the gentile world; they looked upon all gentile ways with utter contempt. They worshiped the letter of the law and indulged a form of self-righteousness based upon the false pride of descent. They had formed preconceived notions regarding the promised Messiah, and most of these expectations envisaged a Messiah who would come as a part of their national and racial history. To the Hebrews of those days Jewish theology was irrevocably settled, forever fixed.

121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran counter to the long-standing attitude of the Jews toward other peoples whom they considered heathen. For generations the Jews had nourished an attitude toward the outside world which made it impossible for them to accept the Master's teachings about the spiritual brotherhood of man. They were unwilling to share Yahweh on equal terms with the gentiles and were likewise unwilling to accept as the Son of God one who taught such new and strange doctrines.

121:7.3 The scribes, the Pharisees, and the priesthood held the Jews in a terrible bondage of ritualism and legalism, a bondage far more real than that of the Roman political rule. The Jews of Jesus' time were not only held in subjugation to the law but were equally bound by the slavish demands of the traditions, which involved and invaded every domain of personal and social life. These minute regulations of conduct pursued and dominated every loyal Jew, and it is not strange that they promptly rejected one of their number who presumed to ignore their sacred traditions, and who dared to flout their long-honored regulations of social conduct. They could hardly regard with favor the teachings of one who did not hesitate to clash with dogmas which they regarded as having been ordained by Father Abraham himself. Moses had given them their law and they would not compromise. *

121:7.4 By the time of the first century after Christ the spoken interpretation of the law by the recognized teachers, the scribes, had become a higher authority than the written law itself. And all this made it easier for certain religious leaders of the Jews to array the people against the acceptance of a new gospel.

121:7.5 These circumstances rendered it impossible for the Jews to fulfill their divine destiny as messengers of the new gospel of religious freedom and spiritual liberty. They could not break the fetters of tradition. Jeremiah had told of the "law to be written in men's hearts," Ezekiel had spoken of a "new spirit to live in man's soul." and the Psalmist had prayed that God would "create a clean heart within and renew a right spirit." But when the Jewish religion of good works and slavery to law fell victim to the stagnation of traditionalistic inertia, the motion of religious evolution passed westward to the European peoples.

121:7.6 And so a different people were called upon to carry an advancing theology to the world, a system of teaching embodying the philosophy of the Greeks, the law of the Romans, the morality of the Hebrews, and the gospel of personality sanctity and spiritual liberty formulated by Paul and based on the teachings of Jesus.

121:7.7 Paul's cult of Christianity exhibited its morality as a Jewish birthmark. The Jews viewed history as the providence of God—Yahweh at work. The Greeks brought to the new teaching clearer concepts of the eternal life. Paul's doctrines were influenced in theology and philosophy not only by Jesus' teachings but also by Plato and Philo. In ethics he was inspired not only by Christ but also by the Stoics.

121:7.8 The gospel of Jesus, as it was embodied in Paul's cult of Antioch, Christianity, became blended with the following teachings:

1. The philosophic reasoning of the Greek proselytes to Judaism, including some of their concepts of the eternal life.
2. The appealing teachings of the prevailing mystery cults, especially the Mithraic doctrines of redemption, atonement, and salvation by the sacrifice made by some god.
3. The sturdy morality of the established Jewish religion.

121:7.12 The Mediterranean Roman Empire, the Parthian kingdom, and the adjacent peoples of Jesus' time all held crude and primitive ideas regarding the geography of the world, astronomy, health, and disease; and naturally they were amazed by the new and startling pronouncements of the carpenter of Nazareth. The ideas of spirit possession, good and bad, applied not merely to human beings, but every rock and tree was viewed by many as being spirit possessed. This was an enchanted age, and everybody believed in miracles as commonplace occurrences." UB 1955

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New member

You just don't get it. Everyone on TOL considers the urantia UFO cult materials to be bogus baloney and garbage - except you and caino. It's plagarized from the Holy Bible, but twisted and distorted into a fabricated mess. The ub contradicts the Holy Bible countless times. At best, the ub is a pitiful science fiction comedy, but it isn't funny. Trying to sell it as serious or a revelation from God is not possible, regardless of how hard or long that you try. I'm sure that it's an abomination in the eyes of God.

dont be so blind.. i consider both yours and his as the same...



they will consider your UB scripture as much as you do thiers...

but I have told you this before...

True, they won't listen, we've explained that the UB isn't scripture. The proud scripture experts hated Jesus! The Jews still reject Jesus based on their scriptures. If the UB was truly so silly as they say, it wouldn't make them so angry. Jesus was bitterly hated for offending their religious pride.

We know that when these people call it a UFO cult they are just trying to get a rise our of us. We shouldn't be enemies, we don't want to be enemies, in their minds they make us their enemies.

Jesus has effectively retuned in the story of his life in the UB.


New member
True, they won't listen, we've explained that the UB isn't scripture. The proud scripture experts hated Jesus! The Jews still reject Jesus based on their scriptures. If the UB was truly so silly as they say, it wouldn't make them so angry. Jesus was bitterly hated for offending their religious pride.

We know that when these people call it a UFO cult they are just trying to get a rise our of us. We shouldn't be enemies, we don't want to be enemies, in their minds they make us their enemies.

Jesus has effectively retuned in the story of his life in the UB.

You just don't get it. We call it the urantia UFO cult because that's what it IS. It's anti-Christ and anti-Christian. We love you, even though you are enemies of the Cross and all that Jesus Christ accomplished at the Cross.

patrick jane

True, they won't listen, we've explained that the UB isn't scripture. The proud scripture experts hated Jesus! The Jews still reject Jesus based on their scriptures. If the UB was truly so silly as they say, it wouldn't make them so angry. Jesus was bitterly hated for offending their religious pride.

We know that when these people call it a UFO cult they are just trying to get a rise our of us. We shouldn't be enemies, we don't want to be enemies, in their minds they make us their enemies.

Jesus has effectively retuned in the story of his life in the UB.

We have only read the bits that you try to force feed us, we usually only see a few words as we work on our next post. UB is tainted drivel, and I'm not angry.


Eclectic Theosophist


You just don't get it. We call it the urantia UFO cult because that's what it IS.

You've been corrected about this false association many times before. You continue to misrepresent the UB. Bearing false witness is not a virtue to be proud of.

Don't be retarded.

It's anti-Christ and anti-Christian.

False. This is only according to your contrived definition of 'anti-christ' or 'anti-Christian'. The UB is neither, which shows your gross ignorance and misguided bigotry. You are so obsessed with proving (apologizing) for your own brand of Christianity, that you create 'enemies' to battle. Its a bit comical.

We love you, even though you are enemies of the Cross and all that Jesus Christ accomplished at the Cross.

Just an different interpretation of the cross, not an 'enemy'....which is one you fabricate in your own mind. We've covered this here already.

The meaning of Jesus death on the cross

Your score card for 'intellectual honesty' is pretty low. A little education could remedy things.


Well-known member
LOL! The truth will set you free but it will make you angry first. BTW, I've never blasphemed God. When people are threatened with truth they hide behind such trumped up charges.
Truth does set free. The UB ain't it. You've asked me to look over your next portion and I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed, again. Sorry, but it is not even accurate. I've told you, I'd just rip it apart every paragraph for the uselessness it is to a Christian. So, with that....

Christianity is a mere shadow of the original gospel of Jesus, it's sect divided and hopelessly unsalvageable. The UB is our new rudder.

In the failure of his followers to live up to the ideals embodied in the Kingdom of heaven as taught and established by Christ, the socialized church became an institutional substitute. A religion about Jesus replaced the original religion of Jesus.
Joseph Smith, Rutherford Hayes, they all said the same thing. I'm not impressed, not even a little.

Impulsive Peter, who was prone to mistakes even when warned about them before hand, took things in a new direction after the ascension and the coming of the spirit of truth. Paul, never having been taught by Christ in the flesh, made compromises with the Pagan world to make the message more acceptable. The triumphant life of Jesus and how he lived it was eclipsed by the spectacular events of the death and resurrection. It was the original sin theory of the Persians that gave man the idea that he is somehow born into debt. We aren't dead nor are we responsible for the sins of others high or low. Jesus was a positive teacher of the Living.
You always have these amateur opinions. You'll not get this, but you and I are complete opposites on what is true and what ain't. One of us is deceived or is a devil, no?

Jesus simply could never be the Jewish Messiah, the problem wasn't the Son of God incarnate on earth, the problem was the ideology of evolved Judaism.
A genuine offer isn't worried about 'never' but about the genuineness of the offer. It points to gentiles, but even Jesus refused to serve gentiles with only 1 exception and because the Kingdom offer was genuine at the time.

The 'sinners, tax collectors, politicians, and harlots' were ALL Jews.

After you calm down a bit, have a cup of coffee, consider this. No really Lon, I want your honest assessment of this clip.
You are projecting. You don't really listen so 'think' there is something more than what you are seeing. I'm incredibly more genuine than you imagine. The UB is junk fiction. You aren't going to be happy with my assessment:

121:7.1 "By the times of Jesus the Jews had arrived at a settled concept of their origin, history, and destiny. They had built up a rigid wall of separation between themselves and the gentile world; they looked upon all gentile ways with utter contempt. They worshiped the letter of the law and indulged a form of self-righteousness based upon the false pride of descent. They had formed preconceived notions regarding the promised Messiah, and most of these expectations envisaged a Messiah who would come as a part of their national and racial history. To the Hebrews of those days Jewish theology was irrevocably settled, forever fixed.
I'd write this paragraph better, having had courses in Bible Lands and Customs. They weren't able to be as rigid as they'd like to have been because they were run by Rome. They were commanded to be a separate people. Even today, Jews do not proselytize. If a gentile wishes to convert, they are gentile converts, not really Jews because they alone received the promise from God through Abraham. That necessarily leaves others out. The reason they were against the Samaritans was because 1) they were intermarried and impure, thus left out of the promise and 2) trying to worship God on their own. There was no out reach to gentiles simply because God hadn't included them in these promises other than as they converted. They would worship in the 'Court of the Gentiles' outside of the inner worship area for Jews only. The guy/gal who wrote this doesn't seem to know his/her history very well (lousy students with amateur reporting and NOT dictated by celestials).

121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran counter to the long-standing attitude of the Jews toward other peoples whom they considered heathen. For generations the Jews had nourished an attitude toward the outside world which made it impossible for them to accept the Master's teachings about the spiritual brotherhood of man. They were unwilling to share Yahweh on equal terms with the gentiles and were likewise unwilling to accept as the Son of God one who taught such new and strange doctrines.
:nono: Matthew 15:26 and Matthew 7:6
121:7.3 The scribes, the Pharisees, and the priesthood held the Jews in a terrible bondage of ritualism and legalism, a bondage far more real than that of the Roman political rule. The Jews of Jesus' time were not only held in subjugation to the law
Poor analysis. They were of course bound by the Law of God. The problem here was the added and misinterpreted traditions laid upon them. IOW, they were slaves to erroneous commentary and erroneous interpretation traditions.

but were equally bound by the slavish demands of the traditions, which involved and invaded every domain of personal and social life.
Nope. This was the only thing they were enslaved by. Psalm 19:7-14
These minute regulations of conduct pursued and dominated every loyal Jew, and it is not strange that they promptly rejected one of their number who presumed to ignore their sacred traditions, and who dared to flout their long-honored regulations of social conduct. They could hardly regard with favor the teachings of one who did not hesitate to clash with dogmas which they regarded as having been ordained by Father Abraham himself. Moses had given them their law and they would not compromise. *

121:7.4 By the time of the first century after Christ the spoken interpretation of the law by the recognized teachers, the scribes, had become a higher authority than the written law itself. And all this made it easier for certain religious leaders of the Jews to array the people against the acceptance of a new gospel.
A reading of Josephus and early church history such as Foxes Book of Martyrs would be better than reading the UB summary. The temple was going to be destroyed, effectively ending the Jewish way of life. Synagogues would continue to teach, but this ended their sacrifices and worship as they restarted and lost their war with Rome.
121:7.5 These circumstances rendered it impossible for the Jews to fulfill their divine destiny as messengers of the new gospel of religious freedom and spiritual liberty. They could not break the fetters of tradition. Jeremiah had told of the "law to be written in men's hearts," Ezekiel had spoken of a "new spirit to live in man's soul." and the Psalmist had prayed that God would "create a clean heart within and renew a right spirit." But when the Jewish religion of good works and slavery to law fell victim to the stagnation of traditionalistic inertia, the motion of religious evolution passed westward to the European peoples.
Again, poor history scholarship. The gospel spread in all directions in only the surrounding area around the Mediterranean (see map). It eventually took hold in Europe between 300 and 600 A.D.
121:7.6 And so a different people were called upon to carry an advancing theology to the world, a system of teaching embodying the philosophy of the Greeks, the law of the Romans, the morality of the Hebrews, and the gospel of personality sanctity and spiritual liberty formulated by Paul and based on the teachings of Jesus.

121:7.7 Paul's cult of Christianity exhibited its morality as a Jewish birthmark. The Jews viewed history as the providence of God—Yahweh at work. The Greeks brought to the new teaching clearer concepts of the eternal life. Paul's doctrines were influenced in theology and philosophy not only by Jesus' teachings but also by Plato and Philo. In ethics he was inspired not only by Christ but also by the Stoics.

121:7.8 The gospel of Jesus, as it was embodied in Paul's cult of Antioch, Christianity, became blended with the following teachings:

1. The philosophic reasoning of the Greek proselytes to Judaism, including some of their concepts of the eternal life.
2. The appealing teachings of the prevailing mystery cults, especially the Mithraic doctrines of redemption, atonement, and salvation by the sacrifice made by some god.
3. The sturdy morality of the established Jewish religion.
In the 50's when this was written, the little club didn't anticipate us finding N.T. manuscripts from the first century. Today, it renders the UB obsolete as far as reliable, even if one were to buy into the idea that Christianity was tainted. Even a reading of the Early Church Fathers, reveals that the early Church was very much against heresy from outside the scriptures and the scriptures we have were firmly established in the African Coptic churches as well as the churches in and around the rest of the Middle East. In addition, the Christianity, like Judaism, was resilient against outside influence, which explains the persecution of the first century church. Read this article about Mithraic mysteries and especially the last four paragraphs. Again, the folks in the 50's are dated and wrong.
"If' (and I use that with a fictional tone) they received these from Celestials, such were demonic, because they are wrong.
121:7.12 The Mediterranean Roman Empire, the Parthian kingdom, and the adjacent peoples of Jesus' time all held crude and primitive ideas regarding the geography of the world, astronomy, health, and disease; and naturally they were amazed by the new and startling pronouncements of the carpenter of Nazareth. The ideas of spirit possession, good and bad, applied not merely to human beings, but every rock and tree was viewed by many as being spirit possessed. This was an enchanted age, and everybody believed in miracles as commonplace occurrences." UB 1955
Again, nothing new, and not as good as history books. It is a paraphrased gloss-over with erroneous commentary. It is a middle-schoolers history report, but for the length of it.
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Truth does set free. The UB ain't it. You've asked me to look over your next portion and I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed, again. Sorry, but it is not even accurate. I've told you, I'd just rip it apart every paragraph for the uselessness it is to a Christian. So, with that....

Joseph Smith, Rutherford Hayes, they all said the same thing. I'm not impressed, not even a little.

You always have these amateur opinions. You'll not get this, but you and I are complete opposites on what is true and what ain't. One of us is deceived or is a devil, no?

A genuine offer isn't worried about 'never' but about the genuineness of the offer. It points to gentiles, but even Jesus refused to serve gentiles with only 1 exception and because the Kingdom offer was genuine at the time.

The 'sinners, tax collectors, politicians, and harlots' were ALL Jews.

You are projecting. You don't really listen so 'think' there is something more than what you are seeing. I'm incredibly more genuine than you imagine. The UB is junk fiction. You aren't going to be happy with my assessment:

I'd write this paragraph better, having had courses in Bible Lands and Customs. They weren't able to be as rigid as they'd like to have been because they were run by Rome. They were commanded to be a separate people. Even today, Jews do not proselytize. If a gentile wishes to convert, they are gentile converts, not really Jews because they alone received the promise from God through Abraham. That necessarily leaves others out. The reason they were against the Samaritans was because 1) they were intermarried and impure, thus left out of the promise and 2) trying to worship God on their own. There was no out reach to gentiles simply because God hadn't included them in these promises other than as they converted. They would worship in the 'Court of the Gentiles' outside of the inner worship area for Jews only. The guy/gal who wrote this doesn't seem to know his/her history very well (lousy students with amateur reporting and NOT dictated by celestials).

:nono: Matthew 15:26 and Matthew 7:6

Poor analysis. They were of course bound by the Law of God. The problem here was the added and misinterpreted traditions laid upon them. IOW, they were slaves to erroneous commentary and erroneous interpretation traditions.

Nope. This was the only thing they were enslaved by. Psalm 19:7-14 A reading of Josephus and early church history such as Foxes Book of Martyrs would be better than reading the UB summary. The temple was going to be destroyed, effectively ending the Jewish way of life. Synagogues would continue to teach, but this ended their sacrifices and worship as they restarted and lost their war with Rome. Again, poor history scholarship. The gospel spread in all directions in only the surrounding area around the Mediterranean (see map). It eventually took hold in Europe between 300 and 600 A.D.
In the 50's when this was written, the little club didn't anticipate us finding N.T. manuscripts from the first century. Today, it renders the UB obsolete as far as reliable, even if one were to buy into the idea that Christianity was tainted. Even a reading of the Early Church Fathers, reveals that the early Church was very much against heresy from outside the scriptures and the scriptures we have were firmly established in the African Coptic churches as well as the churches in and around the rest of the Middle East. In addition, the Christianity, like Judaism, was resilient against outside influence, which explains the persecution of the first century church. Read this article about Mithraic mysteries and especially the last four paragraphs. Again, the folks in the 50's are dated and wrong.
"If' (and I use that with a fictional tone) they received these from Celestials, such were demonic, because they are wrong.
Again, nothing new, and not as good as history books. It is a paraphrased gloss-over with erroneous commentary. It is a middle-schoolers history report, but for the length of it.

* It's clear that you buy into the Jews chosen people confusion, a development which eventually lead them to reject the Son of God incarnate. The Kingdom established by Jesus was, is and will always be a spiritual fellowship of believers and for ALL of the world , not an especially chosen few with an exaggerated sense of self and distorted history. Jesus left Israel to it's own end. Today it's a museum to false speculation on the part of discredited, misguided nationalists .

* The Laws of Moses were human, all evolved religions have them. Moses was a reformer of previous practices. In that highly mystical, superstitious age, the escaping slaves revered Moses. The periodically erupting Sini was associated with the nature God Yahweh.

* The Jews never were "pure" to begin with. Not only did Moses consolidate other nomads at Sini with his escaping slaves, but the so called Israelites would eventually intermix with the Canaanites. Today they remain a mixture even though the Hebrew redactors rewrote that they killed all the Canaanites. But the redactors left parts of the original history in the so called scripture every time they rewrote it to fit their chosen people speculation.

* The point of Melchizedeks selection of Abraham and the selection of Palestine, which was then the crossroads of the world, was for the incarnation of the creator. At the time it was the best place for the original gospel to be spread to ALL the world. But pride cometh before the fall, being chosen went to the Jews heads as seen in their human writings about how they viewed themselves in relation to God (as they then understood God). They evolved a self segregated, self important religion which was incompatible with the reality of being part of the human family. Its a fact, they still sit in Israel today with stubborn hearts waiting for their Messiah.

The Jews lost sight of their calling, a calling based on Abrahams blind faith which they never really understood, it was a faith that became contaminated with conjecture and human speculation.

* That being said, there isn't anything in your reasoning which would lead one to conclude that you would have treated Jesus any differently had you been an Old Testament robot. You have the hard heart of a theology lawyer who just wont be reasoned with. It was actually Jesus that said their Father was the devil. We are indeed at complete opposites, but history and reality are on my side. Jesus left without doing any of the nationalist nonsense the Jews speculate a Messiah would do, Israel was destroyed as he said it would be based on their final rejection of Gods messengers, even his own Son, and today we are 2,000 years into "soon to return" to do what they speculated the first time.

The byproduct of the Pagan worlds atonement interpretation of the Jesus story is that it was Gods will that his innocent Son be rejected so his cold heart could finally forgive. This idea is a complete abomination and betrayal of the labor of Jesus on behalf of his original gospel. It contradicts the teaching of the gospel that faith is the price of salvation, that God was already a forgiving Father.​

I believe in the original, all inclusive gospel taught to the Jews by Jesus, the gospel they would be teaching today had they not been so Lon; real, transformative salvation. You believe in killing Jesus as a human sacrifice for your own selfish interest, theoretical salvation. Your theory is based on the speculative writings of Bronze Age holy men who had erroneous ideas of the fall of Lucifer and a young earth Adam and Eve.

* "In Babylon the Jews arrived at the conclusion that they could not exist as a small group in Palestine, having their own peculiar social and economic customs, and that, if their ideologies were to prevail, they must convert the gentiles. Thus originated their new concept of destiny—the idea that the Jews must become the chosen servants of Yahweh. The Jewish religion of the Old Testament really evolved in Babylon during the captivity." UB

* The authors of the UB didn't need first century manuscripts, they were here when Jesus was here. They know who wrote what, when and where. Jesus forbid the writing of anything while on earth for this very reason that you and others make them into Gods writing.

* So you've used your Bible studies to blow yourself up into a prideful balloon. A revelation comes along and ruffles your own chosen people arrogance, it is no wonder you react like a child throwing a tantrum.

* God is Love and for all people Lon.
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141:4.2 In answer to Thomas's question, “Who is this God of the kingdom?” Jesus replied: “God is your Father, and religion —my gospel—is nothing more nor less than the believing recognition of the truth that you are his son. And I am here among you in the flesh to make clear both of these ideas in my life and teachings.” Jesus of the UB 1955


Eclectic Theosophist
Back to the papers................

Back to the papers................

See: Here

You would 'amen' misrepresentation?

Continuing to associate the UB with any UFO Cult is idiotic. There is no association with UFO's. How many times do we have to go over this? But you would say 'amen' to outright misrepresentation so you can qualify your own religious belief as the only valid one. - the problem is its loaded with bias, bigotry, religious pride, egotism and the like, since only a 'mentality' that has these features occupies itself in attacking or ridiculing others.

Truth has no need of defense or apology but is open for honest examination, and here I speak of meanings, values, concepts, ideals, principles, etc.. Those shared in the papers speak for themselves, but some here are so busy marginalizing, demonizing and presuming so many things...they haven't even the dignity to engage in a creative dialogue on essential subjects revealed in the papers like the nature, character and will of God, the Isle of Paradise and Universe of universes....the basic fundamentals revealed in the first 12 papers. Such are the fundamentals of its theology, while all else are but details expanding on religion, science and philosophy, with many other details, the last part being on the life and teachings of Jesus.

Online Study edition here

Again, any reading my commentaries/dialogue in this thread and elsewhere can see clearly that the UB is a volume of 196 papers, and is not associated with UFOs, neither is there an official 'church' or central 'cult' built upon the papers, but a Foundation exists which serves as a publisher and custodian of the text,....its a book for all peoples, with a positive message of love, hope, peace, prosperity, supporting a spiritual renaissance, building upon the ideals of truth, beauty and goodness, and heralding the good news of Jesus gospel message of the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man.

I think I may open for discussion again (I shared the audio-video series earlier already) the first 5 papers, and perhaps go on from there for those interested in actually discussing/reviewing the text. The first paper is of course on The Universal Father. We must begin with the First Source and Center. The papers present 'God' as truly 'personal' and reveal much upon the subject of 'personality' itself. Since 'God' is a divine personality, He is the source of 'personality' and all personalities in the cosmos. So,...some might have assumed the UB is pantheistic, but it is not....but it does include non-personal aspects of reality in the cosmos, because 'God' is the source of all that is 'personal' and 'non-personal'. In this sense it reveals a 'pan-en-theistic' cosmology since all that exists exists 'in'(en) God, since there is nothing outside of God, but God is not some impersonal force or mere energy, although He upholds all that exists. But this we shall cover in the beginning papers.


Eclectic Theosophist
141:4.2 In answer to Thomas's question, “Who is this God of the kingdom?” Jesus replied: “God is your Father, and religion —my gospel—is nothing more nor less than the believing recognition of the truth that you are his son. And I am here among you in the flesh to make clear both of these ideas in my life and teachings.” Jesus of the UB 1955

Yes, this is the essential teaching of Jesus.....recognizing 'God' as Our Father, and we as his universe children. - the 'kingdom' is realized or lived in this recognition thru community and service.
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